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Ezra 1:5


mind <07307> [whose spirit.]

Ezra 1:1


first <0259> [Now in the.]

Cyrus ..................... Cyrus <03566> [Cyrus.]

Cyrus is said to have been the son of Cambyses, king of Persia, and Mandane, daughter of Astyages, king of Media: he was born about 600 years before Christ, and died at the age of 70, after a reign of 30 years. He was mentioned by name, and his conquests foretold, by the prophet Isaiah, about a century before his birth. Josephus states the partiality he evinced towards the Jews, arose from the circumstance of these prophecies being shown him, probably by Daniel.

spoken <06310> [by the mouth.]

Lord's ....... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

disseminated <05674> [made a proclamation. Heb. caused a voice to pass.]

Ezra 9:1


leaders <08269> [the princes.]

separated <0914> [have not separated.]

detestable <08441> [doing according.]

Canaanites <03669> [of the Canaanites.]

Ammonites <05984> [Ammonites.]

Moabites <04125> [Moabites.]

Ezra 1:1


first <0259> [Now in the.]

Cyrus ..................... Cyrus <03566> [Cyrus.]

Cyrus is said to have been the son of Cambyses, king of Persia, and Mandane, daughter of Astyages, king of Media: he was born about 600 years before Christ, and died at the age of 70, after a reign of 30 years. He was mentioned by name, and his conquests foretold, by the prophet Isaiah, about a century before his birth. Josephus states the partiality he evinced towards the Jews, arose from the circumstance of these prophecies being shown him, probably by Daniel.

spoken <06310> [by the mouth.]

Lord's ....... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

disseminated <05674> [made a proclamation. Heb. caused a voice to pass.]

Ezra 1:1-2


first <0259> [Now in the.]

Cyrus ..................... Cyrus <03566> [Cyrus.]

Cyrus is said to have been the son of Cambyses, king of Persia, and Mandane, daughter of Astyages, king of Media: he was born about 600 years before Christ, and died at the age of 70, after a reign of 30 years. He was mentioned by name, and his conquests foretold, by the prophet Isaiah, about a century before his birth. Josephus states the partiality he evinced towards the Jews, arose from the circumstance of these prophecies being shown him, probably by Daniel.

spoken <06310> [by the mouth.]

Lord's ....... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

disseminated <05674> [made a proclamation. Heb. caused a voice to pass.]


Lord God <0430 03068> [Lord God.]

given <05414> [hath given.]

kingdoms <04467> [all the kingdoms.]

According to the testimony of ancient writers, Cyrus, at this time, reigned over the Medes, Persians, Hyrcanians, Syrians, Assyrians, Indians, etc., and all lesser Asia.

instructed <06485> [he hath charged.]

Ezra 1:1


first <0259> [Now in the.]

Cyrus ..................... Cyrus <03566> [Cyrus.]

Cyrus is said to have been the son of Cambyses, king of Persia, and Mandane, daughter of Astyages, king of Media: he was born about 600 years before Christ, and died at the age of 70, after a reign of 30 years. He was mentioned by name, and his conquests foretold, by the prophet Isaiah, about a century before his birth. Josephus states the partiality he evinced towards the Jews, arose from the circumstance of these prophecies being shown him, probably by Daniel.

spoken <06310> [by the mouth.]

Lord's ....... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

disseminated <05674> [made a proclamation. Heb. caused a voice to pass.]

Nehemiah 7:70-71


Some <07117> [some. Heb. part.]

leaders <07218> [the chief.]

governor <08660> [The Tirshatha.]

drachmas <01871> [drams.]

Darkemonim, or darics; a Persian gold coin, worth about 1Å“. 5s.

bowls <04219> [basons.]


leaders <07218> [chief.]

minas <04488> [pound. Manim, manehs or minas.]

As a weight, the maneh was equal to 100 shekels; but as a coin, equal to 60 shekels, or about 9Å“.

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