Ezra 6:3-4
Rebuilding the Temple (Ezra 3:8--6:15)
Cyrus proclaims the end of the Babylonian captivity and orders a temple to be built in Jerusalem
Priests and the Levites praise the Lord on the foundation of the new temple, The
Rebuilding of the temple, The
Darius gives permission to rebuild the temple

Ezekiel 41:1-15
The New Sanctuary (Ezekiel 40--42)
Man with the cord and the rod, The
Prophet Ezekiel's vision of the new temple, The
Man appeared, A
Diagram of the temple atrium

Revelation 21:16-17
The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:2;21:9-27)
New Jerusalem, The
Vision of St. John, The
New Jerusalem descending from Heaven, The
He showed me the holy city

(67 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The New Heaven and the New Earth ;
The River of Life and the Tree of Life
Related Chapter:
Revelation 21