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Galatians 3:11

3:11 otide ennomw oudeivdikaioutai twyew dhlonoti odikaiov ekpistewv zhsetai <2198> (5695)

Galatians 2:16

2:16 eidotevoti oudikaioutai exergwn nomouean mhdia pistewvcristou ihsoukai hmeiveiv cristonihsoun episteusamendikaiwywmen pistewvcristou kaiouk exergwn nomouoti exergwn nomouou dikaiwyhsetaisarx

Luke 18:9-13

18:9 eipenkai provtinav touvpepoiyotav eautoivoti eisinkai exouyenountavloipouv thnparabolhn tauthn

18:10 anyrwpoiduo anebhsanto ieronproseuxasyai farisaiovkai oeterov telwnhv

18:11 ofarisaiov stayeivprov eautonproshuceto yeoveucaristw otiouk eimioi loipoitwn anyrwpwnarpagev adikoimoicoi hkai wvoutov otelwnhv

18:12 nhsteuwtou sabbatouapodekateuw osaktwmai <2932> (5736)

18:13 ode telwnhvmakroyen estwvhyelen touvofyalmouv eparaiton ouranonall etuptensthyov eautoulegwn yeovilasyhti twamartwlw

Romans 4:15

4:15 ogar nomovorghn katergazetaide oukestin oudeparabasiv

Romans 7:9-13

7:9 egwde ezwnnomou poteelyoushv thventolhv hamartia anezhsende apeyanon <599> (5627)

7:10 kaieureyh hentolh heiv zwhnauth eivyanaton

7:11 hgar amartiaaformhn labousathv entolhvexhpathsen kaidi authvapekteinen <615> (5656)

7:12 wsteo mennomov agiovkai hentolh agiakai dikaiakai agayh

7:13 tooun agayonemoi egenetomh genoitoh amartiaina fanhdia touagayou moikatergazomenh inagenhtai uperbolhnamartwlov hamartia diathv entolhv

Romans 8:7

8:7 diotito fronhmathv sarkovecyra eivyeon twgar nomwtou yeououc upotassetaigar dunatai <1410> (5736)

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