Genesis 35:19
The Death of Rachel (Genesis 35:16-20)
Birth of Benjamin, The. Rachel dies in childbirth. The burial of Rachel.
Rachel's tomb
Death of Rachel, The
Rachel's tomb
(4 Pictures)
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Genesis 35
Psalms 132:6
Psalms 132: Zion and the Seed of David (Psalms 132)
Psalm 132
If I shall give sleep to my eyes and slumbering to my eyelid
Micah 5:2
The Ruler from Bethlehem (Micah 5:1-5)
But thou, Bethlehem
Prophet Micah foretells the birth of Christ
Micah's prophecy concerning Bethlehem
Promised ruler from Bethlehem, A

Matthew 2:1
The Star and the Journey (Matthew 2:1; Matthew 2:9)
Visit of the wise men, The
Adoration of the Magi, The
Star in the east, The
Magi, The

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Related Chapter:
Matthew 2
Matthew 2:6
The Magi and Herod (Matthew 2:2-8)
Adoration of the Magi, The
Wise men visit Herod, The
Arrival of the Magi, The
Wise men asking Herod about the king