Genesis 38:7-10
Er <06147> [Er.]
evil <07451> [wicked.]
Lord's ..... Lord <03068> [and the.]
[A.M. 2282. B.C. 1722.]
[he is.]
not ... give <01115 05414> [lest that.]
<03415> [displeased. Heb. was evil in the eyes of.]
[him also.]
Genesis 38:1
[A.M. 2265. B.C. 1739.]
time <06256> [it came.]
As there cannot be above 23 years from the selling of Joseph, unto Israel's going down into Egypt; and as it is impossible that Judah should take a wife, and by her have three sons successively, and Shelah, the youngest, marriageable when Judah begat Pharez of Tamar, and Pharez be grown up, married, and have two sons, all within so short a period; Mr. Ainsworth conceives that the time here spoken of is soon after Jacob's coming to Shechem, (ch. 33.) We have accordingly adapted the chronology to correspond with that time.
stayed <05186> [turned.]
Adullamite <05726> [Adullamite.]
An inhabitant of Adullam, a city of Canaan, afterwards given to Judah, situated in the southern part of that tribe, west of Hebron.
Genesis 25:1
[A.M. cir. 2151. B.C. cir. 1853.]
Job 15:32-33
full <04390> [accomplished. or, cut off.]
branches <03712> [and his branch.]
<02554> [shake off.]
grapes <07993> [and.]
Psalms 55:23
God <0430> [O God.]
Pit <0875> [pit.]
Violent ... deceitful people ...... half .... lifespan <01818 04820 0582 02673 03117> [bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days.]
Heb. men of bloods and deceit shall not halve their days.
Proverbs 10:27
Fearing <03374> [fear.]
prolongs <03254> [prolongeth. Heb. addeth. the years.]
Acts 5:5
heard .............. heard <191> [hearing.]
great <3173> [great.]
Acts 5:10
she collapsed <4098> [fell.]
Acts 12:23
an angel <32> [the angel.]
because <473> [because.]
and he was <1161 2532 1096> [and he.]