Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 12:4
- Abraham, Abraham [KJ.71]
1. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram,
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Jumlah bintang tak terbilang, turunanmu pun demikian;
Ikutlah petunjukKu ke neg'ri pusakamu!
Kej 12:1-9
Kis 7:3
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram;
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Bangsa-bangsa dunia nanti; dalam dikau Kuberkati;
Ingat akan sabdaKu di sepanjang jalanmu!
Gal 3:7-8, 14
3. Abraham, Abraham, berangkat sungguh beriman;
Abraham, Abraham menuju tanah Kanaan.
Yakin, tanpa keraguan ia ikut sabda Tuhan.
Mari, ikutlah serta ke neg'ri sejahtera!Play - Keluar Dari Kaum [KJ.342]
1. Keluar dari kaum dan rumah bapakmu, serahkan dirimu
kepada rahmat Hu. Percaya sabdaNya. Berjalan dengan
suka ke tanah air baka yang tertentu di muka.
Kej 12:1-9
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Pergi dengan seg'ra ke lorong negeri dan simpangannya yang
buruk dan keji. B'ri rumahKu penuh. Jemput segala orang
ke rumah s'lamatKu; tempatnya tidak kurang.
Mat 22:8-10
Yoh 14:2
3. Keluar! Ajarlah seluruh dunia. Taburkan InjilKu di sawah-
ladangnya! Mau t'rang, maupun gelap di rumah dan kerjamu,
baik ingatlah tetap: 'Ku menyertai kamu.Mat 28:19-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
Genesis 22:18
- Hatiku Bersukaria [KJ.77]
1. Hatiku bersukaria
mengagungkan nama Tuhan, Allah, Juru s'lamatku.
2. DiindahkanNya hambaNya;
kini dan senantiasa diberkati namaku.
Luk 1:4
3. Kar'na Allah Mahakuasa
melakukan karya agung kepadaku yang rendah.
4. Mahasuci Nama Allah; rahmatNya turun-temurun
atas orang salehNya.
5. DinyatakanNya kuasa
hingga orang congkak hati habis oleh tanganNya
6. DisuruhNya turun takhta
pembesar dan panguasa ditinggikan yang rendah.
Mzm 75:8
Mzm 113:7-9
Yeh 21:26
7. Orang lapar dikenyangkan
orang kaya dihampakan dan disuruhNya pergi.
Mzm 107:9
8. Sungguh Ia melepaskan
Umat Israel, hambaNya, kar'na rahmatNya kekal.
9. Seperti dijanjikanNya
pada Abraham semula untuk s'lama-lamanya.Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Play - Mahaterpuji Allahku [KJ.79]
1. Mahaterpuji Allahku: Ia lepaskan kita dari kuasa seteru
dan segenap derita. Tanda selamat diberi membuat wajah berseri:
Mesias akan datang! Kini terkabul dan genap janji
Nubuat Alkitab, yang lama didambakan.
2. Yang dalam nista tercengk'ram akan dibebaskanNya;
janjiNya pada Abraham kini menjadi nyata: umatNya bersejahtera
'kan beribadah padaNya dan hidup badi Dia.
Nabi Yohanes, kau seg'ra 'kan meratakan jalanNya, Sang Raja yang mulia!
Kej 12:3
Kej 17:7
Kej 22:18
Mzm 105:42
Mal 3:1
Mrk 1:2
Luk 7:27
3. Agar umatNya mengerti hidup kekal sentosa,
Yang Mahakasih memberi rahmat ampunan dosa.
Sang Surya Pagi t'lah dekat! Orang yang jalannya gelap melihat cahayaNya.
Kita tak lagi bersedih, tapi berjalan ke neg'ri yang damai selamanya!Mal 4:2
Yoh 1:9
Yes 9:1
Mat 4:16
Matthew 7:24
- SabdaMu Abadi [KJ.50a]
Lord, Thy Word Abideth
1. SabdaMu abadi, suluh langkah kami.
Yang mengikutinya hidup sukacita.
Mzm 119:105
2 Ptr 1:19
2. Di tengah ancaman sabdaMu harapan,
sumber penghiburan, kabar kes'lamatan.
3. Dalam badai topan sabdaMu pedoman;
dalam kekelaman jalan kami aman.
4. SabdaMu semua harta tak terduga,
sungguh memberkati yang membuka hati.
Mat 13:52
5. Sabda pengasihan dalam hidup insan,
cah'ya pengharapan bila ajal datang.
6. Tolong, agar kami rajin mendalami
lalu melakukan sabdaMu, ya Tuhan!Ul 30:14
Mat 7:24
Yak 1:22
- SabdaMu Abadi [KJ.50b]
Lord, Thy Word Abideth
1. SabdaMu abadi, suluh langkah kami.
Yang mengikut Dia hidup sukacita.
- Tuhan Allah Hadir [KJ.17]
1. Tuhan Allah hadir pada saat ini. Hai sembah sujud disini.
Diam dengan hormat, tubuh serta jiwa, tunduklah menghadap Dia.
Marilah, umatNya, hatimu serahkan dalam kerendahan.
1 Raj 8:10-11
2 Taw 7:2-3
Mzm 99:1, 5, 9
Yes 57:15
Yeh 44:4
Hab 2:20
2. Tuhan Allah hadir, Yang dimuliakan dalam sorga siang - malam
"Suci, suci, suci" untuk selamanya dinyanyikan malak sorga.
Ya Allah, t'rimalah pujian jemaat beserta malaikat.
Yes 6:2-3
Why 4:8
3. Kami menanggalkan hasrat sia - sia, keinginan manusia;
jiwa raga kami, hidup seluruhnya, Tuhan, kaulah yang empunya.
Dikaulah, Yang Esa, patut dimuliakan seberhana alam.
Tit 2:12-14
4. Raja yang mulia, biarlah hambaMu mengagungkan selalu,
hingga aku ini sungguh beribadat sama seperti malaikat,
dan benar mendengar firmanMu, ya Tuhan, agar kulakukan!
Ul 30:14
Mat 7:24
Yak 1:22
5. Kau bagai udara sumber kehidupan dan tempat gerak semua.
Laut tak terhingga, buatlah diriku layak menyelami Dikau:
Kau penuh dalamku, aku didalamMu: Kau kerinduanku!
Yoh 17:21
6. Suraya Mahasuci biarlah cahyaMu hangat menyentuh wajahku.
Bagai kuntum bunga, bila disinari, memekar ke matahari,
'ku telah berserah: biar Kau berkarya dalam segalanya.
Mal 4:2
7. Jadikanlah aku hamba bersahaja dalam damai dan sejaht'ra.
Sucikanlah aku, agar Kau kupandang dalam roh dan kebenaran.
Arahku padaMu: wajahMu kucari kin da abadi.Yoh 4:23
Play - Yang Mau Dibimbing oleh Tuhan [KJ.379]
1. Yang mau dibimbing oleh Tuhan dan berharap tak henti,
akan mendapat pertolongan, bahkan di saat terpedih.
Tuhanlah dasar imannya, bukanlah pasir alasnya.
Mat 7:24-27
2. Apa gunanya tawar hati, hanya menangis tersedu?
Apa gunanya tiap pagi kita mulai berkeluh?
Jikalau kita bersedih, tambah berat beban salib.
3. Biar jiwamu kautenangkan, tabahkan hati yang sendu:
Yang Mahatahu kauandalkan, kasihNya cukup bagimu.
Tuhan telah memilihmu dan Ia tahu yang kau perlu.
2 Kor 12:9
4. PadaNya ada sukacita; nantikan saja waktunya.
Bila kau tulus dan setia, Tuhan menolong segera.
Ia beri berkat penuh yang tak terduga olehmu.
Mzm 16:11
5. Jangan kausangka bahwa Tuhan 'kan meninggalkan anakNya
dan bahwa hanya kemujuran tan dan bukti kasihNya.
Nanti bagimu nyatalah betapa agung maksudNya.Mzm 92
6. Tidak mustahil bagi Allah mengubah citra dunia:
orang yang kaya dipapakan, yang miskin jadi mulia.
Yang Mahaadil Dialah dalam segala tindakNya.
1 Sam 2:7-8
Mzm 75:7-8
Mzm 113:7-8
Luk 1:52-53
7. Tetaplah kau di jalan Tuhan, setia dalam tugasmu:
dengan berkat yang tak berkurang dibaruiNya hidupmu.
Yang kepadaNya berserah tak ditinggalkan olehNya.Ul 31:6,8
Yos 1:5
Ibr 13:5-6
Hebrews 11:8
- Abraham, Abraham [KJ.71]
1. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram,
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Jumlah bintang tak terbilang, turunanmu pun demikian;
Ikutlah petunjukKu ke neg'ri pusakamu!
Kej 12:1-9
Kis 7:3
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram;
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Bangsa-bangsa dunia nanti; dalam dikau Kuberkati;
Ingat akan sabdaKu di sepanjang jalanmu!
Gal 3:7-8, 14
3. Abraham, Abraham, berangkat sungguh beriman;
Abraham, Abraham menuju tanah Kanaan.
Yakin, tanpa keraguan ia ikut sabda Tuhan.
Mari, ikutlah serta ke neg'ri sejahtera!Play - Keluar Dari Kaum [KJ.342]
1. Keluar dari kaum dan rumah bapakmu, serahkan dirimu
kepada rahmat Hu. Percaya sabdaNya. Berjalan dengan
suka ke tanah air baka yang tertentu di muka.
Kej 12:1-9
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Pergi dengan seg'ra ke lorong negeri dan simpangannya yang
buruk dan keji. B'ri rumahKu penuh. Jemput segala orang
ke rumah s'lamatKu; tempatnya tidak kurang.
Mat 22:8-10
Yoh 14:2
3. Keluar! Ajarlah seluruh dunia. Taburkan InjilKu di sawah-
ladangnya! Mau t'rang, maupun gelap di rumah dan kerjamu,
baik ingatlah tetap: 'Ku menyertai kamu.Mat 28:19-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
Play - Tersembunyi Ujung Jalan [KJ.416]
1. Tersembunyi ujung jalan, hampir atau masih jauh;
'ku dibimbing tangan Tuhan ke neg'ri yang tak 'ku tahu.
Bapa, ajar aku ikut, pa juga maksudMu, tak bersangsi atau
Takut, beriman tetap teguh.
Kej 12:1
Mzm 73:23
Yes 48:17
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Meski langkahMu semua tersembunyi bagiku, hatiku
menurut jua dan memuji kasihMu. Meski kini tak 'ku nampak,
nanti 'ku berbagia, apabila t'rangMu tampak dengan kemuliaannya.
3. Tuhan, janganlah biarkan kutentukan nasibku. B'rilah hanya
kudengarkan keputusan hikmatMu. Aku ini pun selaku kanak-kanak
yang bebal. Bapa jua bimbing aku ke kehidupan kekal.
4. Dengan bapa aku maju dalam malam yang kelam
ke neg'ri yang tak kutahu dengan mata terpejam…Play
Genesis 18:19
[Gen 18:19] Father Of All, Thy Care We Bless
Father of all, Thy care we bless,
Which crowns our families with peace;
From Thee they spring, and by Thy hand
They are, and shall be still sustained.To God, most worthy to be praised,
Be our domestic altars raised;
Who, Lord of Heaven, yet deigns to come
And sanctify our humblest home.To Thee may each united house
Morning and night present its vows;
Our servants there, and rising race
Be taught Thy precepts and Thy grace.So may each future age proclaim
The honors of Thy glorious Name,
And each succeeding race remove
To join the family above.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 112:1-2
[Psa 112:1] How Blest The Man Who Fears The Lord
How blest the man who fears the Lord
And greatly loves God’s holy will;
His children share his great reward,
And blessings all their days shall fill.Abounding wealth shall bless his home,
His righteousness shall still endure,
To him shall light arise in gloom,
For he is merciful and pure.The man whose hand the weak befriends
In judgment shall his cause maintain;
A peace unmoved his life attends,
And long his memory shall remain.Of evil tidings not afraid,
His trust is in the Lord alone;
His heart is steadfast, undismayed,
For he shall see his foes o’erthrown.With kind remembrance of the poor,
For their distress his gifts provide;
His righteousness shall thus endure,
His name in honor shall abide.To shame the wicked shall be brought,
While righteous men shall favor gain;
Unrighteous hopes shall come to naught,
Its due reward shall sin obtain.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 112:1] That Man Is Bless’d Who Stands In Awe
That man is blest who stands in awe
Of God, and loves His sacred law:
His seed on earth shall be renowned;
His house the seat of wealth shall be,
An inexhausted treasury,
And with successive honors crowned.His lib’ral favors he extends,
To some he gives, to others lends;
A gen’rous pity fills his mind:
Yet what his charity impairs,
He saves by prudence in affairs
And thus he’s just to all mankind.His hands, while they his alms bestow’d,
His glory’s future harvest sow’d;
The sweet remembrance of the just,
Like a green root, revives and bears
A train of blessings for his heirs,
When dying nature sleeps in dust.Beset with threat’ning dangers round,
Unmov’d shall he maintain his ground;
His conscience holds his courage up:
The soul that’s fill’d with virtue’s light,
Shines brightest in affliction’s night,
And sees in darkness beams of hope.Ill tidings never can surprise
His heart that fix’d on God relies,
Though waves and tempests roar around:
Safe on the rock he sits, and sees
The shipwreck of his enemies,
And all their hope and glory drown’d.The wicked shall his triumph see,
And gnash their teeth in agony,
To find their expectations cross’d;
They and their envy, pride, and spite,
Sink down to everlasting night,
And all their names in darkness lost.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 128:1-6
[Psa 128:1] Happy The Man Who Feareth God
Happy the man who feareth God,
Whose feet His holy ways have trod;
Thine own good hand shall nourish thee,
And well and happy shalt thou be.Thy wife shall, like a fruitful vine,
Fill all thy house with clusters fine;
Thy children all be fresh and sound,
Like olive-plants thy table round.Lo! to the man these blessings cleave
Who in God’s holy fear doth live;
From him the ancient curse hath fled
By Adam’s race inherited.Out of Mount Zion God shall send,
And crown with joy thy latter end;
That thou Jerusalem mayst see,
In favor and prosperity.He shall be with thee in thy ways,
And give thee health and length of days;
Yea, thou shalt children’s children see,
And peace on Israel shall be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 128:1] What Cheering Words Are These!
What cheering words are these!
Their sweetness who can tell?
In time and to eternity,
’Tis with the righteous well;
In time and to eternity,
’Tis with the righteous well.In every state secure,
Kept by Jehovah’s eye,
’Tis well with them while life endures,
And well when called to die;
’Tis well with them while life endures,
And well when called to die.’Tis well when joys arise,
’Tis well when sorrows bow,
’Tis well when darkness veils the skies,
And strong temptations blow;
’Tis well when darkness veils the skies,
And strong temptations blow.’Tis well when on the mount
They feast on dying love,
And ’tis as well in God’s account,
When they the furnace prove;
And ’tis as well in God’s account,
When they the furnace prove.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 128:2] Balm In Secret Prayer
Pray on, pray on, O trusting heart,
Let not thy courage fail;
But take thy Savior at His word,
And know thou shalt prevail.Refrain
Tho’ the cross is hard to bear,
There is balm in secret prayer;
Go and tell thy sorrows there,
And leave it all with Jesus.What tho’ thy prayers thro’ many tears
May reach His throne on high;
He knows the anguish of thy heart,
And will not pass thee by.Refrain
Perhaps in some desponding hour,
When hope has well nigh past,
The light will burst upon thy soul,
And joy be thine at last.Refrain
Pray on, pray on, O weary not,
Whate’er thy trial be;
But lean thy faith on Him Who said,
“It shall be well with thee.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 128:4] Blest The Man That Fears Jehovah
Blest the man that fears Jehovah
Walking ever in His ways
By thy toil thou shalt be prospered
And be happy all thy days.
In thy wife thou shalt have gladness,
She shall fill thy home with good,
Happy in her loving service
And the joys of motherhood.Joyful children, sons and daughters
Shall about thy table meet;
Olive plants in strength and beauty
Full of hope and promise sweet.
Lo, on him that fears Jehovah
Shall this blessedness attend,
For Jehovah out of Zion
Shall to thee His blessing send.Blest the man that fears Jehovah
Walking ever in His ways.
By thy toil thou shalt be prospered
And be happy all thy days.
Thou shalt see God’s kingdom prosper
All thy days, till life shall cease,
Thou shalt see thy children’s children.
On Thy people, Lord, be peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 7:24
[Mat 7:24] Build On The Rock
We’ll build on the Rock, the living Rock,
On Jesus, the Rock of Ages;
So shall we abide the fearful shock,
When loud the tempest rages.Refrain
We’ll build on the Rock,
We’ll build on the Rock;
We’ll build on the Rock, on the solid Rock,
On Christ, the mighty Rock.Some build on the sinking sands of life,
On visions of earthly treasure;
Some build on the waves of sin and strife,
Of fame, and worldly pleasure.Refrain
O build on the Rock, for ever sure,
The firm and the true foundation;
Its hope is the hope which shall endure,
The hope of our salvation.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:24] Builded On The Rock
I builded on the Rock, on the Rock of God,
Builded on the Rock, Christ Jesus;
I dug down deep and builded on the Rock,
Builded on the Rock of God.Refrain
I hold not the Rock, but the Rock holds me,
The Rock holds me, the Rock holds me;
I rest on the Rock, and the Rock holds me,
Resting on the Rock of God.Why should I fear when the winds sweep by?
Builded on the Rock, Christ Jesus;
Or shaken be when the waves roll high?
Builded on the Rock of God.Refrain
Hush, raging billows at His command,
Builded on the Rock, Christ Jesus;
Oh, peace be still ’neath His loving hand!
Builded on the Rock of God.Refrain
Praise God for our foundation sure!
Builded on the Rock, Christ Jesus;
No storms can harm our home secure,
Builded on the Rock of God.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:24] Built On The Rock
Built on the Rock the church doth stand,
Even when steeples are falling;
Crumbled have spires in every land,
Bells still are chiming and calling;
Calling the young and old to rest,
But above all the soul distressed,
Longing for rest everlasting.Surely in temples made with hands,
God, the Most High, is not dwelling;
High above earth His temple stands,
All earthly temples excelling;
Yet He whom heavens cannot contain
Chose to abide on earth with men,
Built in our bodies His temple.We are God’s house of living stones,
Builded for His habitation;
He through baptismal grace us owns,
Heirs of His wondrous salvation;
Were we but two His Name to tell,
Yet He would deign with us to dwell,
With all His grace and His favor.Now we may gather with our King;
Even in the lowliest dwelling:
Praises to Him we there may bring,
His wondrous mercy foretelling;
Jesus His grace to us accords,
Spirit and life are all His words,
His truth doth hallow the temple.Still we our earthly temples rear,
That we may herald His praises;
They are the homes where He draws near
And little children embraces,
Beautiful things in them are said,
God there with us His covenant made,
Making us heirs of His Kingdom.Here stands the font before our eyes
Telling how God did receive us;
The altar recalls Christ’s sacrifice
And what His table doth give us;
Here sounds the Word that doth proclaim
Christ yesterday, today, the same,
Yea, and for aye our Redeemer.Grant then, O God, wherever men roam,
That, when the church bells are ringing,
Many in saving faith may come
Where Christ His message is bringing:
“I know Mine own, Mine own know Me;
Ye, not the world, My face shall see.
My peace I leave with you.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:24] My House Will Stand
Are you building your house on the rock or the sand,
Are you living for time or the ages to be?
Do you know that your structure, though shaken, will stand,
Unharmed by the tempests which sweep o’er the sea?Refrain
Let rains descend and tempests sweep;
Let floods arise and billows leap;
My house will stand ’neath every shock,
For I have built upon the Rock.O the Lord is the Rock; our Foundation is tried,
And is changeless today as in centuries flown,
Though by men once rejected, He still doth abide,
He’s the blest Rock of Ages, the great Living Stone.Refrain
Though the billows may beat and the hurricane blow,
I am fearless and calm in the face of the gale;
For the Word of Jehovah is sure, and I know,
Having built on my Savior, they cannot prevail.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 7:24] Sure Foundation, The
There stands a Rock on shores of time
That rears to Heaven its head sublime.
That Rock is cleft, and they are blest
Who find within this cleft a rest.Refrain
Some build their hopes on the ever drifting sand,
Some on their fame, or their treasure, or their land;
Mine’s on a Rock that forever will stand,
Jesus, the “Rock of Ages.”That Rock’s a cross, its arms outspread,
Celestial glory bathes its head;
To its firm base my all I bring,
And to the Rock of Ages cling.Refrain
That Rock’s a tower, whose lofty height,
Illumed with Heaven’s unclouded light,
Opes wide its gate beneath the dome
Where saints find rest with Christ at home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal