Genesis 32:11
Rescue <05337> [Deliver.]
mothers <0517> [the mother.]
<05921> [with. Heb. upon.]
Genesis 32:28
name <08034> [Thy name.]
Israel <03478> [Israel. i.e., a prince of God. as a prince.]
Or, according to the LXX., Vulgate, Houbigant, Dathe, and Rosenmuller, "because thou hast power with God, thou shalt also prevail with men." There is a beautiful antithesis between the two terms, with [Elohim,] {Elohim,} god, the Almighty, with [anashim,] {anashim,} weak, feeble men, as the word imports; seeing thou hast had power with the Almighty, surely thou shalt prevail over perishing mortals.
fought <08280> [power.]
<0582> [with men.]