: son of Eliphaz son of Esau,a chief of Edom,a descendant of Jephunneh of Judah; brother to Caleb the friend of Joshua; father of Othniel,son of Elah of Jephunneh of Judah
: son of Eliphaz son of Esau,a chief of Edom,a descendant of Jephunneh of Judah; brother to Caleb the friend of Joshua; father of Othniel,son of Elah of Jephunneh of Judah
: son of Esau,a man of Teman who was a friend of Job
: a son of Isaac and Rebekah,son of Isaac & Rebekah; Jacob's elder twin brother,a people (and nation) descended from Esau, Jacob's brother (30° 44´, 35° 36´)
: son of Eliphaz son of Esau,a chief of Edom,a descendant of Jephunneh of Judah; brother to Caleb the friend of Joshua; father of Othniel,son of Elah of Jephunneh of Judah