(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
Kidung Jemaat
Isaiah 49:11
Tuhan Allah T'lah Berfirman [KJ.53]
1. Tuhan Allah t'lah berfirman, Haleluya, pada umat sabda hikmat, Haleluya!
2. Buka telinga, hai umatNya, kabar yang baik dengarkanlah! Buka hatimu:Tuhan datang, hai yang beriman! Kembali ke Reff.
Yes 28:23 Yer 13:15
3. Tuhan Allah t'lah berfirman, Haleluya, pada umat sabda hikmat, Haleluya!
4. Barang siapa bertelinga, jangan menutup hatinya; yang mau belajar, hai dengarlah Firman yang baka! Kembali ke Reff.
Why 2:7 Why 13:9
5. Tuhan Allah t'lah berfirman, Haleluya, pada umat sabda hikmat, Haleluya!
6. Umat menyambut Jurus'lamat yang dinantikan dunia; timur dan barat satu jalan, Tuhan pandunya. Kembali ke Reff.
Mzm 107:3 Yes 49:10-12 Mat 8:11
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Psalms 68:4
[Psa 68:4] Alleluia, Song Of Gladness
Alleluia, song of gladness, Voice of joy that cannot die; Alleluia is the anthem Ever dear to choirs on high; In the house of God abiding Thus they sing eternally. Alleluia thou resoundest, True Jerusalem and free; Alleluia, joyful mother, All thy children sing with thee; But by Babylon’s sad waters Mourning exiles now are we. Alleluia we deserve not Here to chant forevermore; Alleluia our transgressions Make us for a while give o’er; For the holy time is coming Bidding us our sins deplore. Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee, Grant us, blessèd Trinity, At the last to keep Thine Easter In our home beyond the sky; There to Thee forever singing Alleluia joyfully. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |