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Isaiah 13:16-22

Their children
also shall be dashed to pieces
<07376> (8792)
before their eyes
their houses
shall be spoiled
<08155> (8735)_,
and their wives
<07901> (8735) (8675) <07693> (8735)_.
Behold, I will stir up
<05782> (8688)
the Medes
against them, which shall not regard
<02803> (8799)
and [as for] gold
they shall not delight
<02654> (8799)
in it.
[Their] bows
also shall dash
<07376> (0)
the young men
to pieces
<07376> (8762)_;
and they shall have no pity
<07355> (8762)
on the fruit
of the womb
their eye
shall not spare
<02347> (8799)
And Babylon
the glory
of kingdoms
the beauty
of the Chaldees
shall be as when God
and Gomorrah
{as...: Heb. as the overthrowing}
It shall never
be inhabited
<03427> (8799)_,
neither shall it be dwelt
<07931> (8799)
in from generation
to generation
neither shall the Arabian
pitch tent
<0167> (8762)
there; neither shall the shepherds
<07462> (8802)
make their fold
<07257> (8686)
But wild beasts of the desert
shall lie
<07257> (8804)
there; and their houses
shall be full
<04390> (8804)
of doleful creatures
and owls
<01323> <03284>
shall dwell
<07931> (8804)
there, and satyrs
shall dance
<07540> (8762)
there. {wild...: Heb. Ziim} {doleful...: Heb. Ochim} {owls: or, ostriches: Heb. daughters of the owl}
And the wild beasts of the islands
shall cry
<06030> (8804)
in their desolate houses
and dragons
in [their] pleasant
and her time
[is] near
to come
<0935> (8800)_,
and her days
shall not be prolonged
<04900> (8735)_.
{the wild...: Heb. Iim} {desolate...: or, palaces}

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