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Isaiah 14:19


thrown out <07993> [thou.]

The prophet having briefly set forth, in the beginning of this chapter, the deliverance of Judah from captivity, in consequence of the destruction of Babylon, then introduces this triumphant song, the beauties of which are excellently illustrated by Bp. Lowth.

headed for <03381> [go.]

Isaiah 34:1-7


near ....................... lives <07126 06631> [Come.]

This and the following chapter, as Bp. Lowth observes, form one distinct prophecy; an entire, regular, and beautiful poem, consisting of two parts; the first containing a denunciation of Divine vengeance against the enemies of the people or church of God; the second describing the flourishing state of that church consequent upon those judgments. The event foretold is represented as of the highest importance, and of universal concern; all nations are called upon to attend to the declaration of it; and the wrath of God is denounced against all the nations who had provoked to anger the Defender of the cause of Zion. By a figure frequently occurring in the prophetical writings, the cities and people mentioned here, who were remarkably distinguished as the enemies of the people of God, are put for those enemies in general.

earth <0776> [let the.]

everything <04393> [all that is therein. Heb. the fulness thereof.]


angry <07110> [the indignation.]

furious <02534> [and his.]


slain <02491> [slain.]

hills <02022> [and the mountains.]


stars .................. stars <06635> [all the.]


sword <02719> [my sword.]

Edom <0123> [upon Idumea.]

people <05971> [the people.]


dripping with <04390> [filled.]

[the fast.]

Lord's ................................. Lord ..... sacrifice <03068 02077> [the Lord hath.]


oxen <07214> [unicorns. or, rhinoceroses.]

bulls <06499> [the bullocks.]

drenched <07301> [soaked. or, drunken.]


Jeremiah 7:33


Jeremiah 15:3


punish <06485> [I will.]

different ways <04940> [kinds. Heb. families.]

Ezekiel 32:4-6



put <05414> [And I.]

To represent the power, rapaciousness, and cruelty of Pharaoh, he had been compared to a fierce young lion, and also to an immense, overgrown sea-monster, or crocodile; and here it is predicted that God would cast a net over him, by which many companies of people should drag him out of his rivers, and cast him into the open field, mountains, valleys, etc., to be devoured by birds and beasts of prey; that is, his ruin would be complete, and attended with terrible miseries to the Egyptians, and afford a large booty to their enemies.


drench <08248> [water.]

land <0776> [the land.]

Egypt, so called because interspersed by numerous canals, and overflowed annually by the Nile.

flow <06824> [wherein thou swimmest. or, of thy swimming.]

Ezekiel 39:17-20


says <0559> [Speak.]

bird <06833 03671> [every feathered fowl. Heb. the fowl of every wing. to my.]

slaughter ............ slaughter <02077 02076> [sacrifice. or, slaughter.]


eat <0398> [eat.]

goats <06260> [goats. Heb. great goats.]

34:17 *marg:

bulls <06499> [of bullocks.]

fattened animals <04806> [fatlings.]


Revelation 19:17-18


one angel <1520 32> [an angel.]

<3004> [saying.]


eat <5315> [ye.]

of all people <3956> [of all.]

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