Kidung Jemaat
Isaiah 2:1-4
Bernyanyilah, Puteri Sion [KJ.90]
1. Bernyanyilah, Puteri Sion, hai kota Yerusalem, soraklah!
Gembiralah kamu menyambut yang adil dan jaya, benar,
Terpercaya; lembutlah hatiNya dan murni kasihNya.
Elukanlah Dia yang naik keledai. Demikian sabda nabi.
2. Bernyanyilah, Puteri Sion, hai kota Yerusalem, soraklah!
Susahmu berakhir, Penolongmu hadir: perang dan gaduhnya,
Kereta dan kuda, baik busur, baik panah lenyap selamanya
dan damai sempurna hendak diberi. Demikian sabda nabi.
Mzm 46:10
Mzm 76:4
Yes 2:4
Yes 9:3-4
Mi 4:3-4
3. Bernyanyilah, Puteri Sion, hai kota Yerusalem, sorak lah!
Segala penghuni yang ada di bumi kelak menikmati sejaht'ra abadi;
Semua bersatu mengikut Rajamu yang datang
Menghiburkan hati sedih. Percayalah sabda nabi.Yes 9:6
Yes 11:6-9
Luk 2:14
Play Terbitlah dalam Kegelapan [KJ.107]
1. Terbitlah dalam kegelapan Terang yang mahamulia!
Hai bangsa-bangsa, mari datang, bersama-sama menyembah!
Duka nestapa akan hilang, kuasa dosa menyerah.
Berlalu malam kematian dan fajar hidup merekah.
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
1 Yoh 2:8
2. Engkau membawa sukacita, ya Tuhan, oleh kuasaMu.
Pekik menang gegap gempita: Kau mengalahkan seteru!
Tongkat penindas sudah patah dan tamat pembudakannya;
Terbakar habislah senjata dan bumi bersejahtera.
Mzm 46:10
Mzm 76:4
Yes 2:4
Mi 4:3-4
Zkh 9:10
3. Seorang anak sudah lahir menghibur isi dunia;
KerajaanNya tak berakhir dan mahaagung namaNya:
"Sang Penasihat yang Ajaib, Allah Perkasa Mulia,
dan Bapa yang Kekal Abadi, Sang Raja Damai s'lamanya!"
4. Ya Raja Damai Mahamulia, beri sejahtera penuh,
supaya bangsa-bangsa dunia bersujud di hadapanMu.
Allah sendiri melakukan rencana keadilanNya
Dan takhta Daud diteguhkan kekal selama-lamanya!Flp 2:9-11
Isaiah 2:1-4
[Isa 2:2] Behold! The Mountain Of The Lord
Behold! the mountain of the Lord
In latter days shall rise
On mountain tops above the hills,
And draw the wondering eyes.To this the joyful nations round,
All tribes and tongues, shall flow;
Up to the hill of God, they’ll say,
And to His house we’ll go.The beam that shines from Zion hill
Shall lighten every land;
The King Who reigns in Salem’s towers
Shall all the world command.Among the nations He shall judge;
His judgments truth shall guide;
His scepter shall protect the just,
And quell the sinner’s pride.No strife shall vex Messiah’s reign
Or mar the peaceful years;
To plowshares soon they beat their swords
To pruning hooks their spears.No longer hosts encountering hosts,
Their millions slain deplore;
They hang the trumpets in the hall
And study war no more.Come then, O house of Jacob, come
To worship at His shrine;
And, walking in the light of God,
With holy beauties shine.In latter days, the Mount of God,
His sacred house shall rise
Above the mountains and the hills,
And strike the wondering eyes.To this the joyful nations round,
All Tribes and Tongues shall flow;
Up to the house of God they’ll say,
To Jacob’s God, we’ll go.To us He’ll point the ways of truth:
The sacred Path we’ll tread
From Salem and from Zion-Hill
His law shall then proceed.Among the nations and the isles,
As Judge supreme, He’ll sit:
And, vested with unbounded power
Will punish or seguit.No strife shall rage, nor angry feuds,
Disturb these peaceful years;
To plowshares then they’ll beat their swords,
To pruning hooks their spears.Then nation shan’t ’gainst nation rise,
And slaughtered house deplore:
They’ll lay the useless trumpet by,
And study war no more.O come ye, then, of Jacob’s house,
Our hearts now let us join:
And, walking in the light of God,
With holy beauties shine.O’er mountain tops, the mount of God
In latter days, shall rise
Above the summits of the hills,
And draw the wondering eyes.To this the joyful nations round,
All tribes and tongues shall flow;
Up to the mount of God, they say,
And to His house we’ll go.The beams that shine from Zion’s hill
Shall lighten ev’ry land;
The King, who reigns in Salem’s towers
Shall the whole world command.Among the nations He shall judge,
His judgments truth shall guide;
His scepter shall protect the just,
And crush the sinner’s pride.No war shall rage, nor hostile strife
Disturb those happy years;
To plough shares men shall beat their swords,
To pruning hooks their spears.No longer hosts, encountering hosts,
Shall crowds of slain deplore;
They’ll lay the martial trumpet by,
And study war no more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 2:3] Suppliant, Lo!
Suppliant, lo! Thy children bend,
Father, for Thy blessing now;
Thou canst teach us, guide, defend;
We are weak, almighty Thou!With the peace Thy Word imparts
Be the taught and teacher blessed;
In our lives and in our hearts,
Father, be Thy laws impressed.Pour into each longing mind
Light and knowledge from above,
Charity for all mankind,
Trusting faith, enduring love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 2:4] O God, Mine Inmost Soul Convert
O God, mine inmost soul convert,
And deeply on my thoughtful heart
Eternal things impress;
Give me to feel their solemn weight,
And save me ere it be too late;
Wake me to righteousness.Before me place in dread array
The pomp of that tremendous day,
When Thou with clouds shalt come
To judge the nations at Thy bar;
And tell me, Lord, shall I be there
To meet a joyful doom?Be this my one great business here,
With serious industry and fear
Eternal bliss to ensure;
Thine utmost counsel to fulfill,
And suffer all Thy righteous will,
And to the end endure.Then, Savior, then my soul receive,
Transported from the vale, to live
And reign with Thee above,
Where faith is sweetly lost in sight,
And hope in full, supreme delight,
And everlasting love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 2:4] Savior, Whom Our Hearts Adore
Savior, whom our hearts adore,
To bless our earth again,
Now assume Thy royal power,
And o’er the nations reign;
Christ, the world’s Desire and Hope,
Power complete to Thee is given;
Set the last great empire up,
Eternal Lord of Heaven.Where they all Thy laws have spurned,
Where they Thy Name profane,
Where the ruined world hath mourned
With blood of millions slain,
Open there the ethereal scene,
Claim the heathen tribes for Thine;
There the endless reign begin
With majesty divine.Universal Savior, Thou
Wilt all Thy creatures bless;
Every knee to Thee shall bow,
And every tongue confess:
None shall in Thy mount destroy;
War shall then be learnt no more:
Saints shall their great King enjoy,
And all mankind adore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 2:4] Thou Judge By Whom Each Empire Fell
Thou Judge by Whom each empire fell,
When pride of power o’ercame it,
Convict us now, if we we rebel,
Our nation judge, and shame it.
In each sharp crisis, Lord, appear,
Forgive, and show our duty clear:
To serve Thee by repentance.Search, Lord, our spirits in Thy sight,
In best and worst reveal us;
Shed on our souls a blaze of light,
And judge, that Thou may’st heal us.
The present be our judgment day,
When all our lack Thou dost survey:
Show us ourselves and save us.Lo, fearing naught we come to Thee,
Though by our fault confounded;
Though selfish, mean, and base we be,
Thy justice is unbounded:
So large, it naught but love requires,
And judging, pardons, frees, inspires.
Deliver us from evil!Play source: Cyberhymnal