Isaiah 31:1
Power of God, Power of Men (Isaiah 31)
As a bird hovers over its nest
Deuteronomy 4:29
The First Commandment (Exodus 20:3-6; Deuteronomy 4:15-31;5:7-10;13;16:21--17:7)
The division of the commandments in this system follows the Augustinian-Lutheran reckoning, merging the first two words (Exodus 20:3-4) and splitting the last (Exodus 20:17)
First commandment - "I am the Lord..."
Second commandment - "You shall have no other gods..."
Table of the Ten Commandments; First and second commandments

(8 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Exodus 20 ;
Deuteronomy 4 ;
Deuteronomy 5 ;
Deuteronomy 13 ;
Deuteronomy 16 ;
Deuteronomy 17
Jeremiah 29:11
There is no Arts related to this verses.Jeremiah 50:4-5
A Message about Babylon (Jeremiah 50)
Fall of Babylon
Fall of Babylon, The
Babylon hath been a golden cup
Thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates

(9 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Jeremiah 50
Hosea 3:4-5
The Prophet and His Marriage (Hosea 1:2--2:1;3)
Prophet Hosea and his wife Gomer
Mountain landscape with river valley and the prophet Hosea
Hosea weds a harlot