Isaiah 36:4
said .... Tell <0559> [Thus saith.]
Assyria <0804> [Assyria.]
Assyria proper, now Kourdistan, was bounded by Armenia on the north, Media and Persia on the east, Babylonia on the south, and the Tigris, which divides it from Mesopotamia, on the west, between 33 degrees and 38 degrees N. lat. and 42 degrees and 46 degrees E. long. But the Assyrian empire, the bounds of which were different at different times, in its most flourishing state, according to the descriptions of the Greek and Roman writers, comprehended all the countries and nations between the Mediterranean on the west, and the Indus on the east, and between the deserts of Scythia on the north, and the Indian ocean on the south.
confidence <0986> [What.]
Isaiah 36:7
trusting <0982> [We trust.]
high places <01116> [is it not.]