Isaiah 37:20
kingdoms <04467> [that all.]
Isaiah 37:1
King <04428> [it came.]
tore <07167> [he rent.]
went <0935> [and went.]
Isaiah 17:1
message <04853> [A.M. cir. 3263. B.C. cir. 741. burden.]
Damascus ... Damascus <01834> [Damascus.]
Damascus ... Damascus ... no longer <01834 05493> [Damascus is.]
ruins <04654> [a ruinous.]
Isaiah 17:1
message <04853> [A.M. cir. 3263. B.C. cir. 741. burden.]
Damascus ... Damascus <01834> [Damascus.]
Damascus ... Damascus ... no longer <01834 05493> [Damascus is.]
ruins <04654> [a ruinous.]
Psalms 46:10
striving <07503> [Be still.]
recognize <03045> [know.]
exalted ........ exalted <07311> [I will be.]
Psalms 83:18
know <03045> [That men.]
Lord <08034> [whose.]
sovereign <05945> [the most.]
Psalms 102:15-16
Lord <03068> [When.]
reveals <07200> [he shall.]
Ezekiel 38:23
magnify <01431> [magnify.]
reveal ......... know <03045> [and I.]
Ezekiel 39:21
I will display <05414> [I will set.]
power <03027> [and my.]
Malachi 1:11
east <04217> [from.]
As the preceding verse was a prediction of the abolition of the Levitical priesthood, so this is a prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles, and the spiritual priesthood of the Gospel times. As none but priests of Aaron's race might burn incense before Jehovah, a total change of the external administration of the sacred ordinances is evidently predicted.
name ................. name ..... name <08034> [my name.]
<04725> [and in.]
Incense <06999> [incense.]
east ...... name ................. name ..... name <04217 08034> [for.]