Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 92:14
Seluruh Umat Tuhan olehNya Dikenal [KJ.282]
1. Seluruh umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal: besar kecil semua, sekarang
kekal. Mereka dijagai di dalam dunia; baik hidup maupun mati mereka
milikNya. Baik hidup maupun mati mereka milikNya.
Yoh 10:14, 27
2 Tim 2:19
Mrk 10:13-16
Rm 14:8
2. Mereka dikenalNya yang hidup beriman, yang patuh dan percaya
berdasarkan Firman. Firmanlah yang menjadi santapan baka,
Firmanlah yang menjamin bertahan s'lamanya.
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Mat 4:4
3. Mereka dikenalNya yang harapnya teguh, mengaku Yesus saja
Tuhannya yang kudus. Mereka disinari sabdaNya yang benar dan
Tumbuh tiap hari menghijau dan segar.
Mzm 52:10
Mzm 92:13-16
4. Mereka dikenalNya yang kasihnya penuh, yang ikut kehendakNya
dan hidup dalam Roh, berjalan dalam kasih dengan sesamanya dan
suka memberkati menurut contohNya.
Mrk 3:35
Mrk 12:31
Yoh 13:34
Rm 12:10
Flp 2:1-6
Mat 5:44
Rm 12:14
5. Begitu umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal besar-kecil semua, sekarang dan
kekal; mereka menghayati kuasa Roh Kudus iman, harapan, kasih
pegangannya terus.
Mrk 10:13-16
6. Berikanlah, ya Tuhan, iman tetap teguh, harapan tak berkurang dan
kasih yang penuh. Di saat Kau kembali, tempatkan umatMu yang
sudah Kaukenali di sisi kananMu.1 Kor 13:13
Mat 25:33-34
Play Yang Mau Dibimbing oleh Tuhan [KJ.379]
1. Yang mau dibimbing oleh Tuhan dan berharap tak henti,
akan mendapat pertolongan, bahkan di saat terpedih.
Tuhanlah dasar imannya, bukanlah pasir alasnya.
Mat 7:24-27
2. Apa gunanya tawar hati, hanya menangis tersedu?
Apa gunanya tiap pagi kita mulai berkeluh?
Jikalau kita bersedih, tambah berat beban salib.
3. Biar jiwamu kautenangkan, tabahkan hati yang sendu:
Yang Mahatahu kauandalkan, kasihNya cukup bagimu.
Tuhan telah memilihmu dan Ia tahu yang kau perlu.
2 Kor 12:9
4. PadaNya ada sukacita; nantikan saja waktunya.
Bila kau tulus dan setia, Tuhan menolong segera.
Ia beri berkat penuh yang tak terduga olehmu.
Mzm 16:11
5. Jangan kausangka bahwa Tuhan 'kan meninggalkan anakNya
dan bahwa hanya kemujuran tan dan bukti kasihNya.
Nanti bagimu nyatalah betapa agung maksudNya.Mzm 92
6. Tidak mustahil bagi Allah mengubah citra dunia:
orang yang kaya dipapakan, yang miskin jadi mulia.
Yang Mahaadil Dialah dalam segala tindakNya.
1 Sam 2:7-8
Mzm 75:7-8
Mzm 113:7-8
Luk 1:52-53
7. Tetaplah kau di jalan Tuhan, setia dalam tugasmu:
dengan berkat yang tak berkurang dibaruiNya hidupmu.
Yang kepadaNya berserah tak ditinggalkan olehNya.Ul 31:6,8
Yos 1:5
Ibr 13:5-6
Psalms 102:26-27
Kau, Allah, Benteng yang Baka [KJ.330]
1. Kau, Allah, benteng yang baka, suaka yang teguh,
dahulu dan selamanya harapan umatMu.
2. Sejak dahulu takhtaMu pelindung kaum kudus;
dengan kuasa tanganMu Kaubela kami t'rus.
3. Tatkala alam semesta belum Engkau bentuk,
Engkaulah Allah yang baka dan tiada akhirMu.
4. Seribu tahun bagiMu sehari sajalah,
sesingkat jaga malam pun berganti tugasnya.
1 Ptr 3:8
5. Daging dan darah mengejar perkara yang fana;
di arus waktu sebentar lenyap semuanya.
1 Kor 15:50
Mzm 102:26-28
6. Terhanyutlah manusia di zaman yang deras;
sepintas mimpi umurnya yang tiada berbekas.
Mzm 103:15-18
Mzm 144:3-4
Yes 40:6-8
7. Ya Tuhan, kau kekal teguh Pelindung kaum kudus;
kiranya dalam rumahMu umatMu umatMu tinggal t'rus!Play Tenteramlah, Hai Jiwaku [KJ.442]
Hebrews 13:8
Dunia Kedinginan [KJ.121] ( In The Bleak Midwinter )
1. Dunia kedinginan, kaku membeku:
damai yang sejati tiada bertemu.
Wabah kekerasan, siksa tirani
Sampai masa kini tidak berhenti.
2. Tapi Firman Allah tak terbelenggu:
Kasih mencairkan hati yang beku.
Dalam dunia dingin kandang cukuplah
Untuk mengenali Khalik semesta.
2 Tim 2:9
3. Segenap malaikat memuliakanNya
dan gembala miskin sujud menyembah;
Yusuf dan Maria saleh bersyukur;
Pemberian Majus: mas, menyan dan mur.
Luk 2:14-16
Mat 2:11
4. Kuberikan apa, Yesus bagiMu?
Andai 'ku gembala, kub'ri dombaku;
Andai 'ku Majusi: mas,menyan dan mur.
Kuberikan apa? Hati bersyukur!Play Sungguh Indah Kabar Mulia [KJ.383] ( Yesterday, Today, Forever )
R:Ibr 13:8
1. Sungguh indah kabar mulia; hai percayalah! Yesus Kristus
tak berubah s'lama-lamanya! DarahNya tetap menghapus
dosa dan cela. Ia hibur yang berduka. Puji namaNya!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
Yesus Kristus tak berubah, puji namaNya!
3. Ia cari yang berdosa, cari dikau pun. Datanglah, rendahkan hati,
s'rahkan dirimu! Dulukala Ia sambut orang bercela;
kini dikau pun disambut, diampuniNya.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
4. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
5. Badai dan gelora laut tunduk padaNya; kini juga badai hati
ditenangkanNya. Ia yang telah bergumul di Getsemani,
mendampingi kita dalam saat yang pedih.
Mrk 4:35-41
Mrk 14:32-42
6. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
7. Yesus yang telah ampuni Petrus yang sesat dan menghapus
kebimbangan Tomas yang bersyak dan selalu mengasihi
murid-muridNya Ia mau menyambut dikau dalam kasihNya.
Yoh 2:15-19
Yoh 20:24-29
8. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
9. Waktu murid ke Emaus Yesus beserta; kita pun di jalan
hidup disertaiNya. Yang terangkat dan kembali,Yesus inilah!
Kita 'kan melihat Dia datang segera!
Luk 24:13-25
Kis 1:9-11
10. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!Play Tenteramlah, Hai Jiwaku [KJ.442]
James 1:17
Atas Makananku Ini [KJ.471]
1. Atas makananku ini yang telah Tuhan beri, terima kasih.
Bahkan karena darahMu yang menghapus dosaku, terima kasih.
Tuhan, Kaulah Roti Hidup, Engkaulah yang memberikan kehidupan;
Kaulah Roti yang benar membuat jiwaku segar, Haleluya!Mzm 104:27-23Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
Yak 1:17
Yoh 6:32-58
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
1 Yoh 1:7
Play Manusia yang Meluku [KJ.335]
R:Yak 1:17
1. Manusia yang meluku, menaburkan benih, tetapi kesuburan
Tuhanlah yang memb'ri. Air hujan dikirimNya dan
panas yang segar. Akhirnya padi tumbuh, menghijau dan mekar.
2 Kor 9:10
1 Kor 3:7
Kej 8:22
Im 26:4-5
Ul 11:14-15
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 147:7-9
2. Apa pun yang baik semata anugerah. Dan kar'na itu pujilah kasihNya yang mesra.
3. Semua diciptaNya, yang jauh, yang dekat: samudera yang luas dan
rimba yang lebat. Tak satu dilupakan, semua dibela, dan kita dib'ri
makan tak kunjung bersela.
Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
4. Apa pun yang baik semata anugerah. Dan kar'na itu pujilah kasihNya yang mesra.
5. Ya Bapa, t'rima kasih; yang sudi kau memb'ri kepada ciptaanMu:
berkat dan rezeki. Tiada teruraikan kasihMu yang besar; terpujilah Kau,
Bapa, rahmani dan jabar.
6. Apa pun yang baik semata anugerah. Dan kar'na itu pujilah kasihNya yang mesra. Play Pujilah Khalik Semesta [KJ.303a]
1. Pujilah Khalik semesta, Sumber segala kurnia;
Sorga dan bumi, puji t'rus Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus!Mat 7:11
Ef 3:20-21
Yak 1:17
1 Ptr 5:10
1 Yoh 5:7
Pujilah Khalik Semesta [KJ.303b]
1. Pujilah Khalik semesta, Sumber segala kurnia;
Sorga dan bumi, puji t'rus Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus!Tenteramlah, Hai Jiwaku [KJ.442]
Ya Allah Yang Mahatinggi [KJ.246]
1. Ya Allah yang Mahatinggi, Kau Pencipta dunia ini;
kami juga Tuhan ciptakan, agar Dikau tetap dipuji.
Engkau Bapa yang memberkati tiap orang yang endah hati.
Tolonglah kami sekarang ini dan selamanya.
Why 4:11
1 Kor 8:6
2 Kor 1:3
Yak 1:17
Mat 5:3
2. Ya Allah yang Mahakasih, Engkau lahir di dunia ini;
Engkau mati di kayu salib; Engkau rela mengganti kami.
Dari kubur telah Kau bangkit; kuasa maut tiada lagi.
Pimpinlah kami sebab Engkaulah Jalan yang benar.
Gal 4:4
Ibr 12:2
Flp 2:6-8
1 Kor 15:54-56
Yoh 14:6
3. Ya Allah yang Mahasuci, Engkau turun ke dunia ini;
Kau menyala bagaikan api; memurnikan nurani kami,
Mengobarkan semangat kami agar kami menjadi b'rani.
Utuslah kami ke dunia ini dengan kuasaMu.Kis 2:1-4
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 2:17-18
1 Ptr 1:2
Ef 6:19
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 1:8
Play Ya Tuhan, T'rima kasih [KJ.469]
1. Ya Tuhan, t'rima kasih atas yang Engkau beri:
Makanan dan minuman dan segala rezeki.
Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya! Amin.Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 136:25
Mzm 145:15-16
Yak 1:17
Malachi 3:6
[Mal 3:6] God Of The Changing Year
God of the changing year, whose arm of power
In safety leads through danger’s darkest hour,
Here in Thy temple bow Thy children down,
To bless Thy mercy and Thy might to own.Thine are the beams that cheer us on our way,
And pour around the gladdening light of day;
Thine is the night, and the fair orbs that shine
To cheer its hours of darkness; all are Thine.If round our path the thorns of sorrow grew,
And mortal friends were faithless, Thou wast true;
Did sickness shake the frame, or anguish tear
The wounded spirit, Thou was present there.O lend Thine ear, and lift our voice to Thee;
Where’er we dwell, still let Thy mercy be;
From year to year still nearer to Thy shrine
Draw our frail hearts, and make them wholly Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mal 3:6] I Hear The Words Of Love
I hear the words of love,
I gaze upon the blood,
I see the mighty sacrifice,
And I have peace with God.’Tis everlasting peace,
Sure as Jehovah’s Name;
’Tis stable as His steadfast throne,
For evermore the same.The clouds may go and come,
And storms may sweep my sky;
This blood-sealed friendship changes not,
The cross is ever nigh.I change—He changes not;
The Christ can never die;
His love, not mine, the resting-place;
His truth, not mine, the tie.My love is oftimes low,
My joy still ebbs and flows;
But peace with Him remains the same,
No change Jehovah knows.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mal 3:6] Roll Out, O Song, To God!
Roll out, O song to God!
Move on, ye throngs of men!
Chances and changes come and go;
God changeth not! Amen.
And on the throngs of men,
On worrying care and strife,
Sinks down, as if from angel tongues,
The word of hope and life.Down in the darksome ways
And worrying whirl of life
Sinks, like a strain of vesper song,
The thought of His great strife;
Who, of the virgin born,
Made all our chains His own,
And broke them with His own right arm,
Nor left us more alone.Amid the weak, One strong,
Amid the false, One true,
Amid all change, One changing not,
One hope we ne’er shall rue.
In Whose sight all is now,
In Whose love all is best:
The things of this world pass away,
Come, let us in Him rest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mal 3:6] ’twixt Gleams Of Joy And Clouds Of Doubt
’Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt our feelings come and go;
Our daily state is tossed about in ceaseless ebb and flow.
No mood of feeling, form of thought, is constant for a day;
But Thou, O Lord, Thou changest not, the same Thou art alway.Out of the weak, unquiet drift that comes but to depart,
To that pure heaven my spirit lift where Thou unchanging art.
Lay hold of me with Thy strong grasp, let Thine almighty arm
In its embrace my weakness clasp, and I shall fear no harm.Thy purpose of eternal good let me but surely know,
On this I’ll lean—let changing mood and feeling come or go
Glad when Thy sunshine fills my soul, nor sad when clouds overcast,
Since Thou within Thy sure control of love dost hold me fast.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mal 3:6] The Year Is Swiftly Waning
The year is swiftly waning,
The summer days are past;
And life, brief life, is speeding;
The end is nearing fast.The ever changing seasons
In silence come and go;
But Thou, eternal Father,
No time or change canst know.O, pour Thy grace upon us,
That we may worthier be,
Each year that passes o’er us,
To dwell in heaven with Thee.Behold the bending orchards
With bounteous fruit are crowned;
Lord, in our hearts more richly
Let heavenly fruits abound.O, by each mercy sent us,
And by each grief and pain,
By blessings like the sunshine,
And sorrows like the rain.Our barren hearts make fruitful
With every goodly grace,
That we Thy Name may hallow,
And see at last Thy face.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Romans 11:29
[Rom 11:29] Forward Through The Ages
Forward through the ages, in unbroken line,
Move the faithful spirits, at the call divine;
Gifts in different measure, hearts of one accord,
Manifold the service, one the sure reward.Refrain
Forward through the ages, in unbroken line
Move the faithful spirits at the call divine.Wider grows the kingdom, reign of love and light;
For it we must labor, till our faith is sight.
Prophets have proclaimed it, martyrs testified.
Poets sung its glory, heroes for it died.Refrain
Not alone we conquer, not alone we fall;
In each loss or triumph lose or triumph all.
Bound by God’s far purpose in one living whole,
Move we on together to the shining goal.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rom 11:29] Unchanging God, Hear From Eternal Heav’n
Unchanging God, hear from eternal Heav’n:
We plead Thy gifts of grace, forever given,
Thy call, without repentance, calling still,
The sure election of Thy sovereign will.Out of our faith in Thee, who canst not lie,
Out of our heart’s desire, goes up our cry,
From hope’s sweet vision of the thing to be,
From love to those who still are loved by Thee.Bring Thy belovèd back, Thine Israel,
Thine own elect who from Thy favor fell,
But not from Thine election! O forgive,
Speak but the word, and lo! the dead shall live.Father of mercies! these the long astray,
These in soul blindness now the far away,
These are not aliens, but Thy sons of yore,
Oh, by Thy Fatherhood, restore, restore!Breathe upon Thy Church, that it may greet the day;
Stir up her will to toil, and teach, and pray,
Till Zionward again salvation come,
And all her outcast children are at home.Triune Jehovah, Thine the grace and power,
Thine all the work, its past, its future hour,
O Thou, who failest not, Thy gifts fulfill,
And crown the calling of Thy changeless will.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Hebrews 13:8
[Heb 13:8] Dearest Jesu, We Are Here
Dearest Jesu, we are here,
At Thy call, Thy presence owning;
Pleading now in holy fear
That Thy sacrifice atoning;
Word incarnate, much in wonder
On this mystery deep we ponder.Under forms of bread and wine
Simple hearts in faith adore Thee:
Born of Mary, Son divine,
Low we bow the knee before Thee
Opening heart alike and coffer,
Body, soul, to Thee we offer.Jesu, strong to save—the same
Yesterday, today, for ever—
Make us fear and love Thy Name,
Serving Thee with best endeavor;
In this life, O ne’er forsake us,
But to bliss hereafter take us.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] Hallelujah! Praise His Name
I once was loaded down with sin, but Jesus came along;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Now I am free and in my heart I have a happy song;
Hallelujah, praise His Name!Refrain
Hallelujah, praise His holy Name!
Hallelujah, He’s ev’ry day the same;
My sins are all forgiven,
I’m on my way to Heaven,
I’ll shout His Name forever:
Praise His Name!How many times I stumbled, bearing such a heavy load;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
But Jesus took my burdens, led me to the narrow road;
Hallelujah, praise His Name!Refrain
The grace of God is flowing from the cross of Calvary:
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
I’m happy, for I know that there is grace enough for me;
Hallelujah, praise His Name!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] Help Us, O Lord!
Help us, O Lord! Behold, we enter
Upon another year today;
In Thee our hopes and thoughts now center,
Renew our courage for the way.
New life, new strength, new happiness,
We ask of Thee—oh, hear and bless!May every plan and undertaking
This year be all begun with Thee;
When I am sleeping or am waking,
Still let me know Thou art with me.
Abroad do Thou my footsteps guide,
At home be ever at my side.Be this a time of grace and pardon.
Thy rod I take with willing mind,
But suffer naught my heart to harden;
Oh, let me then Thy mercy find!
In Thee alone, my God, I live;
Thou only canst my sins forgive.And may this year to me be holy;
Thy grace so fill my every thought
That all my life be pure and lowly
And truthful, as a Christian’s ought.
So make me while yet dwelling here
Pious and blest from year to year.Jesus, be with me and direct me;
Jesus, my plans and hopes inspire;
Jesus, from tempting thoughts protect me;
Jesus, be all my heart’s desire;
Jesus, be in my thoughts all day
Nor suffer me to fall away.And grant, Lord, when the year is over,
That it for me in peace may close;
In all things care for me and cover
My head in time of fear and woes.
So may I when my years are gone
Appear with joy before Thy throne.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] In All My Troubles, Sharp And Long
In all my troubles, sharp and long,
[Or, In every trouble, sharp and strong]
My soul to Jesus flies;
My anchor-hold is firm on Him,
When swelling billows rise.His comforts bear my spirits up,
I trust a faithful God;
The sure foundation of my hope
Is in a Savior’s blood.Loud alleluias sing, my soul,
To Thy Redeemer’s Name;
In joy, in sorrow, life and death,
His love is still the same.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] In Thee, O Spirit, True And Tender
In Thee, O Spirit, true and tender,
I find my life as God’s own child;
Within Thy light of glorious splendor
I lose the earth-clouds drear and wild.Within Thy love is safe abiding
From every thought that giveth fear;
Within Thy truth a perfect chiding,
Should I forget that Thou art near.In Thee I have no pain or sorrow,
No anxious thought, no load of care.
Thou art the same today, tomorrow;
Thy love and truth are everywhere.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] Jesus, My All In All
Jesus, my Savior, I love and adore Thee,
Jesus my all in all;
Nothing on earth would I worship before Thee,
Jesus my all in all.Refrain
Jesus my all in all,
Jesus my all in all;
How it would grieve Him if e’er I would leave Him,
Jesus my all in all.Precious Redeemer from sin and from sorrow,
Jesus my all in all;
Jesus the same in the past and tomorrow,
Jesus my all in all.Refrain
Jesus Who died for my sins, precious Master!
Jesus my all in all;
Jesus my comfort in every disaster,
Jesus my all in all.Refrain
Jesus my wisdom and righteousness ever,
Jesus my all in all;
Jesus my holiness, failing me never,
Jesus my all in all.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] Jesus, O Precious Name
Jesus, O precious Name,
By Heaven’s herald spoken,
Jesus, O holy Name,
Of love divine the token.
Jesus, in Thy dear Name
This new year we begin;
Bless Thou its opening door,
Inscribe Thy Name within.Jesus, O precious Name,
In Thee our hopes are centered,
In Thee, O mighty Name,
This new year we have entered.
Though seasons come and go,
Thou, Lord, art still the same;
Immovable is still
That solid Rock, Thy Name.Jesus, O precious Name,
Thou bringest peace and gladness,
Jesus, O worshipped Name,
Dispelling all our sadness,
In hallowed temple halls
Thy sacred echo rings,
While Heaven’s ransomed host
Thy praise in glory sings.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] Power Of God, The
When Abraham and Sarah had promised them a son,
They were surprised and knew not what to say;
But they knew what God had promised He was able to perform:
And the pow’r of God is just the same today.Refrain
The pow’r of God is just the same today,
It doesn’t matter what the people say;
Whatever God has promised
He’s able to perform:
And the pow’r of God is just the same today.When Moses wanted water to quench the people’s thirst,
He knew that God would then provide a way;
Although his rod was useful he had the power first:
And the pow’r of God is just the same today.Refrain
When Moses made a serpent and placed it on a pole,
The bitten ones were told to look that way,
And then while they were looking Jehovah-rophi made them whole:
And the pow’r of God is just the same today.Refrain
When Joshua was commander, he spoke—the sun stood still,
The moon its onward course was made to stay;
Thus he won a mighty battle, for he did his Father’s will:
And the pow’r of God is just the same today.Refrain
When Naaman, the leper, before Elisha stood,
He thought he knew just what the seer would say,
But he had to wash in Jordan, though he thought it wasn’t good:
And the pow’r of God is just the same today.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] Saints In Glory, We Together
Saints in glory, we together
Know the song that ceases never;
Song of songs Thou art, O Savior;
All that endless day.Come, ye angels, round us gather,
While to Jesus we draw nearer;
In His throne He’ll seat for ever
Those for Whom He died.Underneath His throne a river,
Clear as crystal, flows for ever,
Like His fullness, failing never:
Hail, enthronèd Lamb!Oh, the unsearchable Redeemer!
Shoreless ocean, sounded never!
Yesterday, today, for ever,
Jesus Christ, the same.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] Very Same Jesus, The
Come, sinners, to the living One,
He’s just the same Jesus
As when He raised the widow’s son,
The very same Jesus.Refrain
The very same Jesus,
The wonder working Jesus;
Oh praise His Name, He’s just the same
The very same Jesus.Come, feast upon the living Bread,
He’s just the same Jesus
As when the multitudes He fed,
The very same Jesus.Refrain
Come, tell Him all your griefs and fears,
He’s just the same Jesus
As when He shed those loving tears,
The very same Jesus.Refrain
Still follow Him for clearer light,
He’s just the same Jesus
As when He gave the blind their sight,
The very same Jesus.Refrain
Then calm ’midst waves of trouble be,
He’s just the same Jesus
As when He hushed the raging sea,
The very same Jesus.Refrain
Some day our raptured eyes shall see
He’s just the same Jesus
Oh, blessèd day for you and me!
The very same Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 13:8] Yesterday, Today, Forever
O how sweet the glorious message simple faith may claim
Yesterday, today, forever Jesus is the same.
Still He loves to save the sinful, heal the sick and lame
Cheer the mourner, still the tempest, glory to His Name.Refrain
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same.
All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His Name!
Glory to His Name! Glory to His Name!
All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His Name!He, who was the Friend of sinners, seeks the lost one now
Sinner come, and at His footstool penitently bow
He who said “I’ll not condemn thee, go and sin no more,”
Speaks to thee that word of pardon as in days of yore.Refrain
Oft on earth He healed the sufferer by His mighty hand
Still our sicknesses and sorrows go at His command
He who gave His healing virtue to a woman’s touch
To the faith that claims His fullness still will give as much.Refrain
As of old He walked to Emmaus, with them to abide
So through all life’s way He walketh ever near our side
Soon again we shall behold Him, Hasten Lord the day
But twill still be this same Jesus as He went away.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
James 1:17
[Jam 1:17] Dear Father-mother
Dear Father-Mother, Thou dost grant
All good and perfect gifts to me;
’Tis mine to raise this beacon here,
Obedience unto Thee.He knows not death who Life obeys,
Nor errs at all when Truth he heeds;
While merged in Love, what hold has hate
Upon his thoughts or deeds?Eternal Life and Truth and Love,
They who obey Thine every call,
Thy freemen are, and freely have
Dominion over all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jam 1:17] Mysterious Presence, Source Of All
Mysterious Presence, Source of all—
The world without, the soul within,
Fountain of life, O hear our call,
And pour Thy living waters in!Thou breathest in the rushing wind;
Thy Spirit stirs in leaf and flower;
Nor wilt Thou from the willing mind
Withhold Thy light and love and power.Thy hand unseen to accents clear
Awoke the psalmist’s trembling lyre,
And touched the lip of holy seer
With flame from Thine own altar fire.That touch divine, still, Lord, impart;
Still give the prophet’s burning word;
And, vocal in each waiting heart,
Let living psalms of praise be heard.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jam 1:17] Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jam 1:17] Praise The Giver Of All
Let us mingle our voices in chorus today;
The earth is rejoicing, all nature is gay,
And the stream in the valley goes laughing along;
How happy its beautiful song.Refrain
Praise the Lord, the Giver of all,
Praise the Lord, the Giver of all;
Let His children with rapture His mercy recall,
The bountiful Giver of all.There is joy in the sunbeam that sparkles so bright
And calls the young blossoms to welcome the light;
And the bird in the greenwood is singing with glee,
As cheerful and happy as we.Refrain
Let us join the glad music and joyfully raise,
In purest devotion, our jubilant praise;
We are grateful to God for this beautiful day:
We’ll sing the bright moments away.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jam 1:17] Thine Are All The Gifts, O God
Thine are all the gifts, O God,
Thine the broken bread;
Let the naked feet be shod
And the starving fed.Let Thy children, by Thy grace,
Give as they abound,
Till the poor have breathing-space,
And the lost are found.Wiser than the miser’s hoards
Is the giver’s choice;
Sweeter than the song of birds
Is the thankful voice;Welcome smiles on faces sad
As the flowers of spring:
Let the tender hearts be glad
With the joy they bring.Happier for their pity’s sake
Make their sports and plays,
And from the lips of childhood take
Thy perfected praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal