Isaiah 42:4
dim <03543> [shall not.]
crushed <07533> [discouraged. Heb. broken. and the isles.]
12 2:2-4 11:9-12 24:15,16 41:5 55:5 60:9 66:19 Ge 49:10
Ps 22:27 72:8-11 98:2,3 Mic 4:1-3 Zec 2:11 Ro 16:26 1Co 9:21 [All]
Isaiah 42:10
Sing <07891> [Sing.]
down <03381> [ye that go.]
everything <04393> [all that is therein. Heb. the fulness thereof. the isles.]
Isaiah 42:12
Isaiah 42:15
2:12-16 11:15,16 44:27 49:11 50:2 Ps 18:7 107:33,34 114:3-7
Jer 4:24 Na 1:4-6 Hab 3:6-10 Hag 2:6 Zec 10:11 Re 6:12-17
Re 8:7-12 11:13 16:12,18 20:11 [All]