Isaiah 60:5
The Glory of Zion (Isaiah 60--62)
Salvation for Jerusalem
As the doves to their windows
(SMIT, J.)

Hosea 1:10
The Prophet and His Marriage (Hosea 1:2--2:1;3)
Hosea Preaching (Hosea 1)
Prophet Hosea and his wife Gomer
Mountain landscape with river valley and the prophet Hosea
Hosea weds a harlot

Zechariah 2:11
The Angel Speaking to Zechariah (Zechariah 1:7--6:15)
The Man with the Measuring Line (Zechariah 2)
Prophet Zechariah and an angel explaining the visions, The
(1 Pictures)
Related Names:
Angel ;
Related Chapter:
Zechariah 1 ;
Zechariah 2 ;
Zechariah 3 ;
Zechariah 4 ;
Zechariah 5 ;
Zechariah 6
Man with the measuring line, The
Wall of fire and glory within
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Zechariah 2
Zechariah 8:20-23
The Lord Will Do Good to Jerusalem (Zechariah 8)
Return to Zion, dwelling in Jerusalem
Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you
There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem
May you receive the same blessings that came to Judah and Israel