Kidung Jemaat
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Isaiah 63:1
[Isa 63:1] Boundless Salvation
O boundless salvation! deep ocean of love,
O fullness of mercy, Christ brought from above,
The whole world redeeming, so rich and so free,
Now flowing for all men, now flowing for all men,
Now flowing for all men, come, roll over me!My sins they are many, their stains are so deep,
And bitter the tears of remorse that I weep;
But useless is weeping; thou great crimson sea,
Thy waters can cleanse me, thy waters can cleanse me,
Thy waters can cleanse me, come, roll over me!My tempers are fitful, my passions are strong,
They bind my poor soul and they force me to wrong;
Beneath thy blest billows deliverance I see,
O come, mighty ocean, O come, mighty ocean,
O come, mighty ocean, and roll over me!Now tossed with temptation, then haunted with fears,
My life has been joyless and useless for years;
I feel something better most surely would be
If once thy pure waters, if once thy pure waters,
If once thy pure waters would roll over me.O ocean of mercy, oft longing I’ve stood
On the brink of thy wonderful, life giving flood!
Once more I have reachèd this soul cleansing sea,
I will not go back, I will not go back,
I will not go back till it rolls over me.The tide is now flowing, I’m touching the wave,
I hear the loud call of the Mighty to Save;
My faith’s growing bolder, delivered I’ll be;
I plunge ’neath the waters, I plunge ’neath the waters,
I plunge ’neath the waters they roll over me.And now, hallelujah! the rest of my days
Shall gladly be spent in promoting His praise
Who opened His bosom to pour out this sea
Of boundless salvation, of boundless salvation,
Of boundless salvation for you and for me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Help Us, O Jesus, Thou Mighty Defender
Help us, O Jesus, Thou mighty Defender,
Help when the forces of evil appear;
Help us to battle and never surrender,
Help us to conquer, and drive away fear;
Satan is cunning, the prince of deceivers,
Bringing disaster to many believers.Help us, O Jesus, in hours of temptation,
When both our faith and our courage are weak;
Teach us to look to the sign of salvation,
And near Thy cross a new armor to seek;
Then we shall conquer, if Thou wilt befriend us,
Thou wilt prevail and our faith will defend us.Help us, O Jesus, when death shall spread terror,
And our poor eyes are too feeble to see;
Cleanse us and purge us from sin and from error;
That we may blindly in faith cling to Thee;
Help us, O Jesus, we conquer in dying,
Unto the last on Thy mercy relying.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Joyful News To All Mankind
Joyful news to all mankind,
Jesus is mighty to save;
All who seek shall surely find
Jesus is mighty to save.
Sinners may relinquish wrong,
Faltering hearts may now be strong;
Sound the tidings right along,
Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.Refrain
Jesus is mighty to save,
Jesus is mighty to save;
From the uttermost, to the uttermost,
Mighty to save!Though as scarlet be the stains,
Jesus is mighty to save;
Though as steel the binding chains,
Jesus is mighty to save.
His the glorious sacrifice;
His the blood which paid the price;
His the love doth now entice;
Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.Refrain
Fearful soul, discard thy fears,
Jesus is mighty to save;
Seeker, haste to dry thy tears,
Jesus is mighty to save.
With assurance seek His face,
Doubt no more His love and grace,
Give Him now His rightful place,
Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.Refrain
Since His blood for thee was shed,
Jesus is mighty to save;
Since He lives Who once was dead,
Jesus is mighty to save.
While in conflict we engage,
When the storms around shall rage,
All our earthly pilgrimage,
Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Lo! The Lord, The Mighty Savior
Lo! the Lord, the mighty Savior,
Quits the grave, His throne to claim;
Object of His endless favor,
God o’er all exalts His Name;
Those who hate Him—
Clothed with everlasting shame.Shout for joy, with songs of praises,
Ye who in His Name delight;
Shout, for God our Savior raises
To His throne, in endless might!
’Tis Jehovah—
Crowns our Lord in realms of light!God His servant lifts to glory,
Bids Him all His honors share:
Now, Jehovah, we adore Thee,
And Thy righteousness declare:
Endless praises—
Shall Thy ransomed church prepare.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Mighty To Save (thompson)
I have a Redeemer Who saves me from sin;
Now He’s abiding forever within,
His life for my ransom so freely He gave—
’Tis Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.Refrain
Mighty to save! He’s mighty to save,
Yes! Jesus my Savior is mighty to save!
Sin’s old allurements no longer I crave;
Jesus allures me, mighty to save.I have a Redeemer to pilot me o’er
Life’s angry billows to Heaven’s fair shore;
I know He will keep me, tho’ wild be the wave—
’Tis Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.Refrain
I have a Redeemer, so watchful is He,
Walking beside me, my terrors all flee;
He guards me in danger, and bids me be brave—
’Tis Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.Refrain
I have a Redeemer, I know He is mine,
Proving His presence by power divine;
I surely can trust Him to conquer the grave—
This Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Mighty To Save (tood)
O who is this that cometh
From Edom’s crimson plain,
With wounded side, with garments dyed?
O tell me now thy name.
“I that saw thy soul’s distress,
A ransom gave;
I, that speak in righteousness,
Mighty to save.”Refrain
Mighty to save, mighty to save,
Mighty to save, Lord I trust Thy wondrous love,
Mighty to save.O why is Thine apparel
With reeking gore all dyed,
Like them that tread the wine-press red?
O why this bloody tide?
“I the wine-press trod alone,
’Neath darkening skies;
Of the people there was none
Mighty to save.”Refrain
O, bleeding Lamb, my Savior,
How couldst Thou bear this shame?
“With mercy fraught, Mine own arm brought
Salvation in My Name:
I the bloody fight have won,
Conquered the grave;
Now the year of joy has come,
Mighty to save.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] O Jesus, Our King
O Jesus, our King,
Thy glory we sing,
Thy rising declare,
And join the pomp, and the benefit share.
Thy conquest we feel
O’er death and o’er hell,
Redeemed from the grave,
And bold we proclaim Thee almighty to save.We know that our Head
Is risen indeed,
Thy record receive,
And raised by the power of Thy spirit we live.
Thy Spirit attests
The truth in our breasts,
Thy witness imparts
The first resurrection of faith to our hearts.Thou conquered beneath
The sharpness of death,
Our souls to retrieve,
And open the kingdom to all that believe.
Believing on Thee,
We rise from the tree,
And heavenward move,
And fly to Thy throne on the wings of Thy love.Thy love that o’ercame
Our sorrow and shame,
And ransomed our race,
And sent Thee to God to prepare us a place;
Go after, it cries,
Proceed to the skies,
By Immanuel led,
So follow, and suffer, and reign with your Head.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Oh, Bliss Of The Purified
Oh, bliss of the purified, bliss of the free,
I plunge in the crimson tide opened for me;
O’er sin and uncleanness exulting I stand,
And point to the print of the nails in His hand.Refrain
Oh, sing of His mighty love,
Sing of His mighty love,
Sing of His mighty love,
Mighty to save.Oh, bliss of the purified! Jesus is mine,
No longer in dread condemnation I pine;
In conscious salvation I sing of His grace,
Who lifted upon me the light of His face.Refrain
Oh, bliss of the purified! bliss of the pure!
No wound hath the soul that His blood cannot cure;
No sorrow-bowed head but may sweetly find rest,
No tears—but may dry them on Jesus’ breast.Refrain
O Jesus the Crucified! Thee will I sing,
My blessèd Redeemer, my God and my King;
My soul, filled with rapture, shall shout o’er the grave,
And triumph in death in the “Mighty to Save.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Praise The Redeemer, Almighty To Save
Praise the Redeemer, almighty to save;
Immanuel has triumphed o’er death and the grave!
O sing, for the door of the dungeon is open,
The Captive came forth at the dawn of the day!
How vain the precaution! the signet is broken;
The watchmen in terror have fled far away.
Praise the Redeemer, almighty to save;
Immanuel has triumphed o’er death and the grave!Praise to the Conqueror; oh, tell of His love!
In pity to mortals He came from above.
O who shall rebuild for the tyrant his prison?
The scepter lies broken that fell from his hands;
His dominion ended, the Lord is arisen;
The helpless shall soon be released from their prison.
Praise the Redeemer, almighty to save;
Immanuel has triumphed o’er death and the grave!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] See Him In Raiment Rent
See Him in raiment rent,
With His blood dyed:
Women walk sorrowing,
By His side.Heavy that cross to Him,
Weary the weight:
One who will help Him stands
At the gate.Multitudes hurrying
Pass on the road:
Simon is sharing with
Him the load.Who is this traveling
With the curst tree—
This weary prisoner—
Who is He?Follow to Calvary,
Tread where He rod:
This is the Lord of life—
Son of God.Is there no loveliness—
You who pass by—
In that lone Figure which
Marks the sky?You Who would love Him, stand,
Gaze at His face;
Tarry awhile in your
Worldly race.As the swift moments fly
Through the blest week,
Jesus, in penitence,
Let us seek.On the cross lifted up,
Thy face I scan,
Scarred by that agony—
Son of Man.Thorns form Thy diadem,
Rough wood Thy throne,
To Thee Thy outstretched arms
Draw Thine own.Nails hold Thy hands and feet,
While on Thy breast
Sinketh Thy bleeding head
Sore oppressed.Loud is Thy bitter cry,
Rending the night,
As to Thy darkened eyes
Fails the light.Shadows of midnight fall,
Though it is day;
Friends and disciples stand
Far away.Loud scoffs the dying thief,
Mocking Thy woe;
Can this my Savior be
Brought so low?Yes, see the title clear,
Written above,
“Jesus of Nazareth,”
Name of love!What, O my Savior dear,
What didst Thou see,
That made Thee suffer and
Die for me?Child of My grief and pain!
From realms above,
I came to lead thee to
Life and love.For thee My blood I shed,
For thee I died;
Safe in thy faithfulness
Now abide.I saw thee wandering,
Weak and at strife;
I am the Way for thee,
Truth and life.Follow My path of pain,
Tread where I trod:
This is the way of peace
Up to God.O I will follow Thee,
Star of my soul!
Through the great dark I press
To the goal.Yes, let me know Thy grief,
Carry Thy cross,
Share in Thy sacrifice,
Gain Thy loss.Daily I’ll prove my love,
Through joy and woe;
Where Thy hands point the way,
There I go.Lead me on year by year,
Safe to the end,
Jesus, my Lord, my Life,
King and Friend.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Who Is This Man Of Sorrows?
Who is this that cometh from Edom,
Crimson red His garments dyed?
In His hands are cruel nail prints,
And a spear wound in His side?
Say, who is this “Man of Sorrows”?
Why is He thus pierced and scarred?
Who with face and form so kingly!
Why His beauteous visage marred?Refrain
It is Christ, the King of glory,
Who His life a ransom gave,
Bow before Him, and adore Him,
Jesus Christ the mighty to save.Who is this, despised and rejected,
Who the winepress trod alone?
Who is this by all forsaken,
Left to comfort there are none?
Who is this oppressed, afflicted,
Yet no murmur ever heard;
As a Lamb led to the slaughter,
Yet He answers not a word!Refrain
Who is this with bearing so kingly,
And a crown His brow adorns,
Not of gold and gems befitting,
But of mocking, cruel thorns?
Why with many stripes thus beaten?
Why thus scourged and spit upon?
Why His anguish in the garden,
Kneeling, praying all alone?Refrain
Who is this on Calvary’s mountain,
Dying there such shameful death?
Who for His tormentors praying,
With His last expiring breath?
Who is this that earth should tremble
And the sun in darkness hide,
Rocks be rent and graves be opened,
When He bowed His head and died?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Who Is This That Comes From Edom
Who is this that comes from Edom,
All His garments stained with blood;
To the slave proclaiming freedom;
Bringing and bestowing good;
Glorious in the garb He wears,
Glorious in the spoils He bears?’Tis the Savior, now victorious
Traveling onward in His might;
’Tis the Savior, O how glorious
To His people is the sight!
Jesus now is strong to save,
Mighty to redeem the slave.Why that blood His raiment staining?
’Tis the blood of many slain;
Of His foes there’s none remaining,
None the contest to maintain:
Fallen they are, no more to rise,
All their glory prostrate lies.This the Savior has effected
By His mighty arm alone;
See the throne for Him erected;
’Tis an everlasting throne:
’Tis the great reward He gains,
Glorious fruit of all His pains.Mighty Victor, reign forever,
Wear the crown so dearly won;
Never shall thy people, never
Cease to sing what Thou hast done;
Thou hast fought Thy people’s foes;
Thou wilt heal Thy people’s woes.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 63:1] Who Is This, With Garments Gory
Who is this with garments gory,
Triumphing from Bozrah’s way;
This that weareth robes of glory,
Bright with more than victory’s ray?
Who is this unwearied comer
From his journey’s sultry length,
Traveling through Idumè’s summer
In the greatness of his strength?Wherefore red in thine apparel
Like the conquerors of the earth,
And arrayed like those who carol
O’er the reeking vineyard’s mirth?
Who art thou, the valleys seeking
Where our peaceful harvests wave?
“I, in righteous anger speaking,
I, the mighty One to save.”“I, that of the raging heathen
Trod the winepress all alone,
Now in victor garlands wreathen
Coming to redeem Mine own:
I am He with sprinkled raiment,
Glorious for My vengeance hour,
Ransoming, with priceless payment,
And delivering with power.”Hail! All hail! Thou Lord of Glory!
Thee, our Father, Thee we own;
Abraham heard not of our story,
Israel ne’er our Name hath known.
But, Redeemer, Thou hast sought us,
Thou hast heard Thy children’s wail,
Thou with Thy dear blood hast bought us:
Hail! Thou mighty Victor, hail!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Hebrews 7:25
[Heb 7:25] Able To Save
Look to Jesus on the tree,
He is able to save you;
Dying there for you and me,
He is willing to save you.Refrain
Able to save a poor sinner lost,
Willing to save at a fearful cost;
Able to save: Come, trust in His pow’r;
Willing to save this very hour.O His love will melt your heart,
He is able to save you;
If from sin you will depart,
He is willing to save you.Refrain
Do not let Him plead in vain,
He is able to save you.
Let His blood wash every stain,
He is willing to save you.Refrain
Let Him enter now your heart,
He is able to save you;
If you wait He will depart,
Now He’s waiting to save you.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 7:25] Saved To The Uttermost
Saved to the uttermost: I am the Lord’s;
Jesus my Savior salvation affords;
Gives me His Spirit, a witness within,
Whispering of pardon, and saving from sin.Refrain
Saved, saved, saved to the uttermost;
Saved, saved by power divine;
Saved, saved, saved to the uttermost:
Jesus the Savior is mine!Saved to the uttermost: Jesus is near;
Keeping me safely, He casteth out fear;
Trusting His promises, now I am blest;
Leaning upon Him, how sweet is my rest.Refrain
Saved to the uttermost: this I can say,
“Once all was darkness, but now it is day;
Beautiful visions of glory I see,
Jesus in brightness revealed unto me.”Refrain
Saved to the uttermost; cheerfully sing
Loud halleluiahs to Jesus my King;
Ransomed and pardoned, redeemed by His blood,
Cleansed from unrighteousness; glory to God!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal