Isaiah 64:7
Repentance and Prayer for Salvation (Isaiah 63:7--64:12)
Isaiah's prayer
Clay, The
Psalms 14:4
Psalms 14: Man without God (Psalms 14)
Psalm 14
Fool has said in his heart: there is no God, The
Psalms 79:6
Psalms 79: Deliver Us and Atone for Our Sins (Psalms 79)
Psalm 79
They have set aside the carcasses of your servants as food for the fowls of the air
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 79
Jeremiah 10:25
There is no Arts related to this verses.Daniel 9:13
The Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9)
Man Gabriel … touched me about the time of the evening oblation, The
Daniel's prayer
Messiah cut off
Prayer of Daniel, The

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Related Chapter:
Daniel 9