Isaiah 66:1-16
heavens <08064> [The heaven.]
house <01004> [where is the house.]
hand <03027> [For all those.]
show special favor <05027> [to this.]
respect <02730> [trembleth.]
slaughters <07819> [killeth.]
lamb <07716> [lamb. or, kid. cut.]
pig's <02386> [as if he offered.]
offers <02142> [burneth. Heb maketh a memorial of.]
decided <0977> [they have.]
choose .................................. chose <0977> [will choose.]
severe punishment <08586> [delusions. or, devices. will bring.]
called <07121> [when I called.]
listen ... did <08085 06213> [they did.]
respect <02730> [ye that.]
countrymen .......................... joy <0251 08057> [Your.]
Lord ............................ Lord <03068> [Let.]
witness <07200> [but.]
sound ......... sound ......... sound .... Lord <06963 03068> [a voice of the Lord.]
heard <08085> [hath heard.]
nation <01471> [shall a nation.]
baby <07665> [bring to.]
baby .... birth ................ baby <03205> [cause to bring forth. or, beget.]
happy ... Jerusalem <08055 03389> [Rejoice ye.]
love <0157> [all ye that love.]
mourned <056> [that mourn.]
nurse <03243> [ye may suck.]
milk-filled <02123> [abundance. or, brightness.]
extend <05186> [I will.]
riches <03519> [the glory.]
nurse <03243> [then.]
carried <05375> [ye shall.]
<0376> [one.]
consoles ....... console ....... consoled <05162> [ye shall.]
<03820> [your heart.]
<06106> [your bones.]
power <03027> [the hand.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
chariots <04818> [with his.]