Judges 11:7-19
hated <08130> [Did not ye hate.]
leaders <02205> [the elders.]
we pledge <07725> [we turn.]
back <07725> [If ye bring.]
Lord <03068> [The Lord.]
grievance ... have <08085> [be witness. be the hearer.]
do <06213> [if we do.]
leader <07218> [head.]
repeated <01696> [uttered.]
Jephthah ................ Jephthah repeated <01696 03316> [Jephthah uttered.]
That is, upon his elevation, he immediately retired to his devotion, and in prayer spread the whole matter before God, both his choice to the office, and his execution of the office, as one that had his eye ever toward the Lord, and would do nothing without him; that leaned not to his own understanding or courage, but depended on the Almighty God, and his favour. This is an ensample worthy of universal imitation; in All Our Ways, whether great or apparently subordinate, let us acknowledge God and seek his direction. So shall we make our way prosperous, and obtain that peace which passeth all understanding. Jephthah opened his campaign with prayer.
before <06440> [before.]
Mizpah <04709> [Mizpeh.]
This Mizpeh was east of Jordan in the mountains of Gilead (Ge 31:49); and hence called Mizpeh of Gilead (ver. 29), to distinguish it from another place of the same name, west of Jordan, in the tribe of Judah.
sent messengers <07971 04397> [sent messengers.]
In this Jephthah acted in accordance with the law of Moses; and hence the justice of his cause would appear more forcibly to the people.
come against <0935> [What hast.]
Israel <03478> [Because Israel.]
Arnon <0769> [from Arnon.]
That is, all the land which had belonged to the Amorites and Moabites.
Jabbok <02999> [Jabbok.]
king <03254 04428> [again unto.]
Israel .... steal <03478 03947> [Israel took.]
Israel <03478> [But when.]
The whole of these messages shew, Jephthah had well studied the book of Moses. His arguments also are very clear and cogent, and his demands reasonable; for he only required that the Ammonites should cease to harass a people who had neither injured them, nor intended to do so.
<03212> [walked.]
left ................ came <05927 0935> [came.]
sent messengers ......................... sent <07971 04397> [sent messengers.]
king ............... king .............. king <04428> [the king.]
stayed <03427> [abode.]
<03212> [went.]
bypassed <05437> [compassed.]
traveled east .................... go <0935 04217> [came by.]
camped <02583> [pitched.]