Judges 15:9-17
Lehi <03896> [Lehi.]
went down <03381> [went. Heb. went down. the rock Etam.]
Probably near the town Etam, mentioned in 1 Ch 4:32.
Philistines <06430> [Philistines.]
take ... prisoner <0631 05414> [to bind thee.]
kill <06293> [fall.]
Philistines <06430> [the Philistines.]
spirit <07307> [the Spirit.]
ropes <05688> [the cords.]
melted away <04549> [loosed. Heb. were melted.]
solid jawbone <03895 02961> [new jaw-bone. Heb. moist. slew.]
thousand <0505> [a thousand.]
Some would render the words {aileph ish,} "a chief;" but it is {alluph,} and not {aileph,} which signifies a chief; besides which, the Hebrew idiom would, even in that case, require it to be {ish alluph,} "a man, a chief," and not {alluph ish,} "a chief, a man." Add to which, that every version renders it "a thousand men."
jawbone ............. jawbone <03895> [with the jaw-bone.]
There is here a fine paronomasia upon the word {chamor,} "an ass," which also signifies "a heap;" {bilchee hachamor, chamor chamorathayim,} "With the jaw-bone of an ass, a heap upon two heaps."
<02565> [heaps upon heaps. Heb. an heap, two heaps.]
Ramath <07437> [Ramath-lehi. that is, the lifting up of the jaw-bone, or, the casting away of the jaw-bone.]