NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Judges 19:1-19


king <04428> [when there.]

hill country <02022> [mount.]

acquired <0802> [a concubine. Heb. a woman, a concubine, or, a wife, a concubine.]

Bethlehem <01035> [Beth-lehem-judah.]


angry <02181> [played.]

[four whole months. or, a year and four months. Heb. days, four months.]


<03212> [went.]

hoping <01696> [speak.]

convince .... return <03820 07725> [friendly unto her. Heb. to her heart.]

return <07725> [to bring.]

servant <05288> [his servant.]


energy <05582> [Comfort. Heb. Srengthen.]

bite <06595> [with a morsel.]


time <03820> [let thine heart.]

[until afternoon. Heb. till the day declined.]

Merely that they might avoid the heat of the day, which would have been very inconvenient in travelling.


day .......... day <03117> [the day.]

<07503> [draweth, etc. Heb. is weak. the day groweth to an end. Heb. it is the pitching time of the day, Jer 6:4.]

That is, it was near the time in which travellers ordinarily pitched their tents, to take up their lodging for the night. In the latter part of the afternoon, eastern travellers begin to look out for a place for this purpose. So Dr. Shaw observes, "Our constant practice was to rise at break of day, set forward with the sun, and travel to the middle of the afternoon; at which time we began to look out for encampments of Arabs; who, to prevent such parties as ours from living at free charges upon them, take care to pitch in woods, valleys, or places the least conspicuous."

tomorrow <04279> [to morrow.]

home <0168> [home. Heb. to thy tent.]


<05227> [over against. Heb. to over against. Jebus.]


Jebusite <02983> [the Jebusites.]


Gibeah <01390> [Gibeah.]

Gibeah, a city of Benjamin, and the birth-place of Saul, was situated near Rama and Gibeon, according to Josephus, thirty furlongs north from Jerusalem; or, according to Jerome, about two leagues.


Gibeah <01390> [Gibeah.]


one <0376> [no man.]

There was probably no inn, or house of public entertainment in this place; and therefore they could not have a lodging unless furnished by mere hospitality. But these Benjamites seem to have added to their other vices, avarice and inhospitality, like the inhabitants of Akoura in mount Lebanon, mentioned by Burckhardt.


work <04639> [his work.]


<03212> [whither.]


heading <01980> [I am now.]

The LXX. read, [eis ton oikon mou ego poreuomai:] "I am going to my own house;" which is probably the true reading, as we find (ver. 29) that he really went home; yet he might have gone previously to Shiloh, or to "the house of the Lord," because that was also in mount Ephraim.

home .......... home <01004> [the house.]

invited <0622> [receiveth. Heb. gathereth.]


straw ... grain <04554 08401> [straw and provender.]

In those countries principally devoted to pasturage, they made little or no hay: but as they raised corn, they took great care of their straw for cattle, which by their mode of threshing was chopped very small. See note on Ge 24:32.

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