: a man who was the fifth major judge of 12th century Israel; the son of Joash,son of Joash of Abiezer of Manasseh; a judge of Israel
: son of Gideon, the judge,an Ishmaelite man married to Abigail, David's sister; father of Amasa,son of Jadah of Judah,son of Ezrah a descendant of Judah,father of some of David's military elite of the tribe of Asher
: a mountain on the border between Issachar, Zebulun and Naphtali,a place near Bethel where there was a notable oak tree (OS),a town of Zebulun near Issachar given to the Merarites (32° 41´, 35° 23´);
(32° 40´, 35° 19´);
(31° 55´, 35° 13´)