Judges 9:48-49
Zalmon <06756> [Zalmon.]
seen <07200> [What ye.]
do ........ do <06213> [me do. Heb. I have done.]
put ...... stronghold ...... it <07760 06877> [put them.]
Judges 9:2
want <02896> [Whether, etc. Heb. What is good? whether, etc. threescore.]
blood <06106> [your bone.]
Judges 14:10
hosted ... party ...... customary ..... do <06213 04960> [made there.]
Judges 15:16
jawbone ............. jawbone <03895> [with the jaw-bone.]
There is here a fine paronomasia upon the word {chamor,} "an ass," which also signifies "a heap;" {bilchee hachamor, chamor chamorathayim,} "With the jaw-bone of an ass, a heap upon two heaps."
<02565> [heaps upon heaps. Heb. an heap, two heaps.]