NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Jeremiah 11:17


planted <05193> [that.]

decree <01696> [pronounced.]

Jeremiah 45:4


planted <05193> [that which.]

Ezekiel 17:5-10


seedlings ......... cultivated <02233> [the seed.]

Zedekiah, brother to Jeconiah.

seedlings ..... placed ..... cultivated plot <02233 07704 05414> [planted it in a fruitful field. Heb. put it in a field of seed.]

Made him king of Judea.

took <03947> [he placed.]

Made him dependent on Babylon, the city of great waters, as the willow is on humidity.


sprouted <06779> [it grew.]

branches <01808> [whose.]

The Jewish state had then no height of dominion; and Zedekiah was wholly dependent on Nebuchadnezzar.


another <0259> [another.]

Pharaoh-hophra, or Apries, king of Egypt.

twisted <03719> [did bend.]

Looked to him for support, in his intended rebellion.


field <07704> [soil. Heb. field.]

bear <05375> [and that.]

Though he was dependent on Babylon, yet he was in such a situation as would have enabled him to reign in credit, and be useful to his people.


prosper <06743> [Shall it.]

Shall he succeed in casting off the yoke of the king of Babylon, to whom he had sworn fealty?

rip out <05423> [shall he.]

He shall come and dethrone him, and carry him captive.

fruit <06529> [the fruit.]

The children of Zedekiah.

strong <01419> [even.]


prosper ..... wither completely ............ wither <06743 03001> [shall it.]

Ezekiel 19:10-13


mother <0517> [mother.]

vine <01612> [like.]

vineyard <01818> [blood. or, quietness, or, likeness. she was.]

branches <06058> [full. Many princes.]


strong <05797> [she had.]

Many powerful sovereigns, who rendered Judah very considerable among the nations.

<06967> [her stature.]


plucked up ...... thrown down <05428 07993> [she was.]

The kingdom was entirely ruined, and her princes cut off.

east <06921> [the east.]

strong <05797> [strong.]

fire <0784> [the fire.]


planted <08362> [she is.]

wilderness <04057> [in the wilderness.]

In Chaldea, whither they were carried captive.

dry <06723> [in a dry.]

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