Jeremiah 14:15-18
war ... famine ............... War ... starvation <02719 07458> [Sword and famine shall not.]
5:12,13 6:15 8:12 20:6 23:14,15 28:15-17 29:20,21 31,32
1Ki 22:25 Eze 14:10 Am 7:17 2Pe 2:1-3,14-17 Re 19:20 [All]
people <05971> [the people.]
thrown <07993> [be cast.]
pour <08210> [for.]
eyes <05869> [let mine.]
dear children <01330> [for.]
serious <03966> [with a very.]
out <03318> [go forth.]
prophet <05030> [yea.]
business <05503> [go about, etc. or, make merchandise against a land, and men acknowledge it not.]