Jeremiah 3:18-23
In those days
the house
of Judah
with the house
of Israel
out of the land
of the north
to the land
unto your fathers
{with: or, to} {given...: or, caused your fathers to possess}<01>_.
thee among the children
thee a pleasant
a goodly
of the hosts
of nations
me, My father
from me
{from me: Heb. from after me} {a goodly...: Heb. an heritage of glory, or, beauty} {pleasant...: Heb. land of desire}<0310>_.
[as] a wife
departeth from her husband
with me, O house
of Israel
the LORD
{husband: Heb. friend}<03068>_.
A voice
upon the high places
[and] supplications
of the children
of Israel
their way
the LORD
their God