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Jeremiah 34:22


order <06680> [I will command.]

back <07725> [cause.]

They did return, and reinvested the city; and, after an obstinate defence, took it, plundered it, and burnt it to the ground, taking Zedekiah, his princes, and people, captive.

fight <03898> [shall fight.]

make <05414> [and I will.]

Jeremiah 48:10


curse ............. curse <0779> [Cursed.]

lax <07423> [deceitfully. or, negligently.]

Numbers 31:14-18


furious <07107> [wroth.]

war <04421> [battle. Heb. host of war.]



resulted <01961 02007> [these caused.]

counsel ............... matter <01697> [in the matter.]

plague <04046> [and there.]


kill ... boy ... kill ........... man <02145 02026> [kill every male.]

The sword of war should spare women and children, as incapable of resisting; but the sword of justice knows no distinction, except that of guilty or not guilty, or more or less guilty. This was the execution of a righteous sentence upon a guilty nation, in which the women were the greatest criminals; and it may safely be said, that their lives were forfeited by their personal transgressions. With respect to the execution of the male infants, who cannot be supposed to have been guilty, God, the author and supporter of life, who has a right to dispose of it when and how he thinks proper, commanded it; and "shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"

boy ............. man <02145> [him. Heb. a male.]


yours <02421> [keep alive for yourselves.]

It has been groundlessly asserted, that Moses here authorised the Israelites to make concubines of the whole number of female children; and an insidious objection against his writings has been grounded upon this monstrous supposition. But the whole tenor of the law, and especially a statute recorded in De 21:10-14, proves most decisively to the contrary. They were merely permitted to possess them as female slaves, educating them in their families, and employing them as domestics; for the laws concerning fornication, concubinage, and marriage, were in full force, and prohibited an Israelite even from marrying a captive, without delays and previous formalities; and if he afterwards divorced her, he was to set here at liberty, "because he had humbled her."

Numbers 31:1



Numbers 15:3


make ...................................... create <06213> [will make.]

burnt offering <05930> [a burnt.]

sacrifice <02077> [a sacrifice.]

for discharging <06381> [performing. Heb. separating.]

freewill offering <05071> [or in a free-will.]

feasts <04150> [in your.]

aroma <05207> [a sweet.]

herd <01241> [the herd.]

Under the term {bakar,} are comprehended the ox, heifer, etc; and under {tzon,} are included sheep and goats. The animals enjoined in the Levitical law are the very same which commanded Abraham to offer. (Ge 15:9.) Hence it is evident, that God delivered to the patriarchs an epitome of that law which was afterwards given in detail to Moses, the essence of which consisted in its sacrifices; and these sacrifices were of clean animals, the most perfect, useful, and healthy of all that are brought under the immediate government of man. Gross feeding and ferocious animals were all excluded, as well as all birds of prey.

Numbers 15:11-24


One <0259> [One.]

statute ........................ statute <02708> [an ordinance.]



The oblation before prescribed seems to have been a general acknowledgment from the people at large; but this was an oblation from every one that reaped a harvest: who was required, previously to tasting it himself, to offer a portion of dough as a heave-offering to the Lord. This is supposed to have been given to the priests in their several cities, and not carried to the tabernacle.


cake <02471> [a cake.]

offering ...... raised offering <08641> [the heave-offering.]



This law concerning sins of ignorance, being entirely diverse from one before considered, occasions considerable difficulty. (Le ch. 4.) Some explain that law as relating to sins of commission, this to sins of omission: others explain the one of inadvertent violations of the moral law, and the other of the transgressions of the ceremonial law: and some think that related to the whole nation, this to any one tribe; or that to the bulk of the nation, this to the rulers and elders. The Jews say, that the former law referred to such national transgressions through heedlessness, as consisted with the maintenance of the prescribed worship in the main; but that this especially respected the case of the nation, when through inattention, and the example and authority of wicked rulers, they had turned aside and committed idolatry, or conducted their worship directly contrary to law; yet through a culpable ignorance, and not in presumption. This was evidently the case under several of their kings; and the explanation seems well grounded.


done ............. prepare <06213> [if ought.]

knowledge <05869> [without. Heb. from the eyes. one young bullock.]

grain offering <04503> [with his.]

customary <04941> [manner. or, ordinance. one kid.]

Numbers 15:2


Numbers 16:11


Lord <03068> [against.]

Aaron <0175> [what is Aaron.]

Numbers 16:2


chosen <07148> [famous.]

Numbers 18:25

Numbers 18:2


join ..... minister <03867 08334> [joined unto thee.]

There is a fine paronomasia in the original. Levi is desired from {lawah,} to join, couple, associate; hence Moses says, the Levites {yillawoo,} "shall be joined," or associated, with the priests: they shall conjointly perform the sacred office, but the priests shall be principal, the Levites their associates or assistants.

minister ............ before <08334 06440> [minister.]

sons <01121> [but thou.]

Numbers 36:1


Gileadites <01568> [Gilead.]

Isaiah 10:6


godless ......... people <02611 05971> [against.]

ordered <06680> [will I give.]

<07760> [tread them. Heb. lay them a treading.]

Isaiah 44:28


Cyrus <03566> [Cyrus.]

<07462> [my shepherd.]

commissions ................. decree <0559> [saying.]

Isaiah 48:14


gather <06908> [assemble.]

announced <05046> [among them.]

Instead of {bahem,} "among them," thirty-five MSS. and two editions have {bachem,} "among you."

<03068> [The Lord.]

Rather, "He whom the Lord hath loved, will execute his will on Babylon:" that is, Cyrus.

carry out <06213> [he will do.]

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