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Jeremiah 42:15-18


so determined <07760> [If.]

If ye are determined to go into Egypt, the evils which ye dreaded by staying in your own land shall overtake and destroy you there; "and there shall ye die." God turned the policy of the wicked to their own destruction; for while they thought themselves safe in Egypt, there Nebuchadnezzar destroyed both them and the Egyptians.


wars <02719> [that the sword.]

follow <01692> [follow close. Heb. cleave. there ye.]


<0582> [it be with all the men. Heb. all the men be. they shall.]

survive <08300> [none.]


wrath <0639> [As mine.]

The people had witnessed the tremendous effects of the wrath of God, in the siege and destruction of Jerusalem; and had they not been past feeling, this denunciation must have made their ears tingle, and appalled their very souls.

cursed <0423> [ye shall be.]

see <07200> [and ye shall see.]

Jeremiah 43:5-7


Instead <03947> [took.]


royal <04428> [the king's.]

off <05315> [every.]

Jeremiah <03414> [Jeremiah.]


went ............. came <0935> [So.]

Tahpanhes <08471> [Tahpanhes.]




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