Jeremiah 5:1-6
Context“Go up and down 2 through the streets of Jerusalem. 3
Look around and see for yourselves.
Search through its public squares.
See if any of you can find a single person
who deals honestly and tries to be truthful. 4
If you can, 5 then I will not punish this city. 6
5:2 These people make promises in the name of the Lord. 7
But the fact is, 8 what they swear to is really a lie.” 9
5:3 Lord, I know you look for faithfulness. 10
But even when you punish these people, they feel no remorse. 11
Even when you nearly destroy them, they refuse to be corrected.
They have become as hardheaded as a rock. 12
They refuse to change their ways. 13
5:4 I thought, “Surely it is only the ignorant poor who act this way. 14
They act like fools because they do not know what the Lord demands. 15
They do not know what their God requires of them. 16
5:5 I will go to the leaders 17
and speak with them.
Surely they know what the Lord demands. 18
Surely they know what their God requires of them.” 19
Yet all of them, too, have rejected his authority
and refuse to submit to him. 20
5:6 So like a lion from the thicket their enemies will kill them.
Like a wolf from the desert they will destroy them.
Like a leopard they will lie in wait outside their cities
and totally destroy anyone who ventures out. 21
For they have rebelled so much
and done so many unfaithful things. 22
Jeremiah 5:31
Context5:31 The prophets prophesy lies.
The priests exercise power by their own authority. 23
And my people love to have it this way.
But they will not be able to help you when the time of judgment comes! 24

[5:1] 1 tn These words are not in the text, but since the words at the end are obviously those of the
[5:1] 2 tn It is not clear who is being addressed here. The verbs are plural so they are not addressed to Jeremiah per se. Since the passage is talking about the people of Jerusalem, it is unlikely they are addressed here except perhaps rhetorically. Some have suggested that the heavenly court is being addressed here as in Job 1:6-8; 2:1-3. It is clear from Jer 23:18, 22; Amos 3:7 that the prophets had access to this heavenly counsel through visions (cf. 1 Kgs 22:19-23), so Jeremiah could have been privy to this speech through that means. Though these are the most likely addressee, it is too presumptuous to supply such an explicit addressee without clearer indication in the text. The translation will just have to run the risk of the probable erroneous assumption by most English readers that the addressee is Jeremiah.
[5:1] 3 map For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.
[5:1] 4 tn Heb “who does justice and seeks faithfulness.”
[5:1] 5 tn Heb “squares. If you can find…if there is one person…then I will…”
[5:1] 6 tn Heb “forgive [or pardon] it.”
[5:2] 7 tn Heb “Though they say, ‘As surely as the
[5:2] 8 tc The translation follows many Hebrew
[5:2] 9 tn Heb “they swear falsely.”
[5:3] 13 tn Heb “O
[5:3] 14 tn Commentaries and lexicons debate the meaning of the verb here. The MT is pointed as though from a verb meaning “to writhe in anguish or contrition” (חוּל [khul]; see, e.g., BDB 297 s.v. חוּל 2.c), but some commentaries and lexicons repoint the text as though from a verb meaning “to be sick,” thus “to feel pain” (חָלָה [khalah]; see, e.g., HALOT 304 s.v. חָלָה 3). The former appears more appropriate to the context.
[5:3] 15 tn Heb “They made their faces as hard as a rock.”
[5:3] 16 tn Or “to repent”; Heb “to turn back.”
[5:4] 19 tn Heb “Surely they are poor.” The translation is intended to make clear the explicit contrasts and qualifications drawn in this verse and the next.
[5:4] 20 tn Heb “the way of the
[5:4] 21 tn Heb “the judgment [or ordinance] of their God.”
[5:5] 25 tn Or “people in power”; Heb “the great ones.”
[5:5] 26 tn Heb “the way of the
[5:5] 27 tn Heb “the judgment [or ordinance] of their God.”
[5:5] 28 tn Heb “have broken the yoke and torn off the yoke ropes.” Compare Jer 2:20 and the note there.
[5:6] 31 tn Heb “So a lion from the thicket will kill them. A wolf from the desert will destroy them. A leopard will watch outside their cities. Anyone who goes out from them will be torn in pieces.” However, it is unlikely that, in the context of judgment that Jeremiah has previously been describing, literal lions are meant. The animals are metaphorical for their enemies. Compare Jer 4:7.
[5:6] 32 tn Heb “their rebellions are so many and their unfaithful acts so numerous.”
[5:31] 37 tn Heb “they shall rule at their hands.” Since the word “hand” can be used figuratively for authority or mean “side” and the pronoun “them” can refer to the priests themselves or the prophets, the following translations have also been suggested: “the priests rule under their [the prophets’] directions,” or “the priests rule in league with them [the prophets].” From the rest of the book it would appear that the prophets did not exercise authority over the priests nor did they exercise the same authority over the people that the priests did. Hence it probably mean “by their own hand/power/authority.”
[5:31] 38 tn Heb “But what will you do at its end?” The rhetorical question implies a negative answer: “Nothing!”