Jeremiah 6:1-12
Context6:1 “Run for safety, people of Benjamin!
Get out of Jerusalem! 1
Sound the trumpet 2 in Tekoa!
Light the signal fires at Beth Hakkerem!
For disaster lurks 3 out of the north;
it will bring great destruction. 4
6:2 I will destroy 5 Daughter Zion, 6
who is as delicate and defenseless as a young maiden. 7
6:3 Kings will come against it with their armies. 8
They will encamp in siege all around it. 9
Each of them will devastate the portion assigned to him. 10
6:4 They will say, 11 ‘Prepare to do battle 12 against it!
Come on! Let’s attack it at noon!’
But later they will say, 13 ‘Oh, oh! Too bad! 14
The day is almost over
and the shadows of evening are getting long.
6:5 So come on, let’s go ahead and attack it by night
and destroy all its fortified buildings.’
6:6 All of this is because 15 the Lord who rules over all 16 has said:
‘Cut down the trees around Jerusalem
and build up a siege ramp against its walls. 17
This is the city which is to be punished. 18
Nothing but oppression happens in it. 19
6:7 As a well continually pours out fresh water
so it continually pours out wicked deeds. 20
Sounds of violence and destruction echo throughout it. 21
All I see are sick and wounded people.’ 22
6:8 So 23 take warning, Jerusalem,
or I will abandon you in disgust 24
and make you desolate,
a place where no one can live.”
6:9 This is what the Lord who rules over all 25 said to me: 26
“Those who remain in Israel will be
like the grapes thoroughly gleaned 27 from a vine.
So go over them again, as though you were a grape harvester
passing your hand over the branches one last time.” 28
“Who would listen
if I spoke to them and warned them? 30
Their ears are so closed 31
that they cannot hear!
Indeed, 32 what the Lord says is offensive to them.
They do not like it at all. 33
6:11 I am as full of anger as you are, Lord, 34
I am tired of trying to hold it in.”
The Lord answered, 35
“Vent it, then, 36 on the children who play in the street
and on the young men who are gathered together.
Husbands and wives are to be included, 37
as well as the old and those who are advanced in years.
6:12 Their houses will be turned over to others
as will their fields and their wives.
For I will unleash my power 38
against those who live in this land,”
says the Lord.

[6:1] 1 tn Heb “Flee for safety, people of Benjamin, out of the midst of Jerusalem.”
[6:1] 2 tn Heb “ram’s horn,” but the modern equivalent is “trumpet” and is more readily understandable.
[6:1] 3 tn Heb “leans down” or “looks down.” This verb personifies destruction leaning/looking down from its window in the sky, ready to attack.
[6:1] 4 tn Heb “[It will be] a severe fracture.” The nation is pictured as a limb being fractured.
[6:2] 5 tn The verb here is another example of the Hebrew verb form that indicates the action is as good as done (a Hebrew prophetic perfect).
[6:2] 6 sn Jerusalem is personified as a young maiden who is helpless in the hands of her enemies.
[6:2] 7 tn Heb “The beautiful and delicate one I will destroy, the daughter of Zion. The English versions and commentaries are divided over the rendering of this verse because (1) there are two verbs with these same consonants, one meaning “to be like” and the other meaning “to be destroyed” (intransitive) or “to destroy” (transitive), and (2) the word rendered “beautiful” (נָוָה, navah) can be understood as a noun meaning “pasture” or as a defective writing of an adjective meaning “beautiful, comely” (נָאוָה, na’vah). Hence some render “Fair Zion, you are like a lovely pasture,” reading the verb form as an example of the old second feminine singular perfect. Although this may fit the imagery of the next verse, that rendering ignores the absence of a preposition (לְ or אֶל, lÿ or ’el, both of which can be translated “to”) that normally goes with the verb “be like” and drops the conjunction in front of the adjective “delicate.” The parallel usage of the verb in Hos 4:5 argues for the meaning “destroy.”
[6:3] 9 tn Heb “Shepherds and their flocks will come against it.” Rulers are often depicted as shepherds; see BDB 945 s.v. רָעָה 1.d(2) (cf. Jer 12:10). The translation of this verse attempts to clarify the point of this extended metaphor.
[6:3] 10 tn Heb “They will thrust [= pitch] tents around it.” The shepherd imagery has a surprisingly ominous tone. The beautiful pasture filled with shepherds grazing their sheep is in reality a city under siege from an attacking enemy.
[6:3] 11 tn Heb “They will graze each one his portion.” For the use of the verb “graze” to mean “strip” or “devastate” see BDB 945 s.v. רָעָה 2.c. For a similar use of the word normally meaning “hand” to mean portion compare 2 Sam 19:43 (19:44 HT).
[6:4] 13 tn These words are not in the text but are implicit in the connection. They are supplied in the translation for clarity.
[6:4] 14 tn Heb “Sanctify war.” This is probably an idiom from early Israel’s holy wars in which religious rites were to precede the battle.
[6:4] 15 tn These words are not in the text but are supplied in the translation for clarity. Some commentaries and English versions see these not as the words of the enemy but as those of the Israelites expressing their fear that the enemy will launch a night attack against them and further destroy them. The connection with the next verse, however, fits better with them if they are the words of the enemy.
[6:4] 16 tn Heb “Woe to us!” For the usage of this phrase see the translator’s note on 4:13. The usage of this particle here is a little exaggerated. They have lost the most advantageous time for attack but they are scarcely in a hopeless or doomed situation. The equivalent in English slang is “Bad news!”
[6:6] 17 tn Heb “For.” The translation attempts to make the connection clearer.
[6:6] 18 tn Heb “Yahweh of armies.”
[6:6] 19 tn Heb “Cut down its trees and build up a siege ramp against Jerusalem.” The referent has been moved forward from the second line for clarity.
[6:6] 20 tn Or “must be punished.” The meaning of this line is uncertain. The LXX reads, “Woe, city of falsehood!” The MT presents two anomalies: a masculine singular verb with a feminine singular subject in a verbal stem (Hophal) that elsewhere does not have the meaning “is to be punished.” Hence many follow the Greek which presupposes הוֹי עִיר הַשֶּׁקֶר (hoy ’ir hasheqer) instead of הִיא הָעִיר הָפְקַד (hi’ ha’ir hofqad). The Greek is the easier reading in light of the parallelism, and it would be hard to explain how the MT arose from it. KBL suggests reading a noun meaning “licentiousness” which occurs elsewhere only in Mishnaic Hebrew, hence “this is the city, the licentious one” (attributive apposition; cf. KBL 775 s.v. פֶּקֶר). Perhaps the Hophal perfect (הָפְקַד, hofÿqad) should be revocalized as a Niphal infinitive absolute (הִפָּקֹד, hippaqod); this would solve both anomalies in the MT since the Niphal is used in this nuance and the infinitive absolute can function in place of a finite verb (cf. GKC 346 § and ff). This, however, is mere speculation and is supported by no Hebrew
[6:6] 21 tn Heb “All of it oppression in its midst.”
[6:7] 21 tc Heb “As a well makes cool/fresh its water, she makes cool/fresh her wickedness.” The translation follows the reading proposed by the Masoretes (Qere) which reads a rare form of the word “well” (בַּיִר [bayir] for בְּאֵר [bÿ’er]) in place of the form written in the text (Kethib, בּוֹר [bor]), which means “cistern.” The latter noun is masculine and the pronoun “its” is feminine. If indeed בַּיִר (bayir) is a byform of בְּאֵר (be’er), which is feminine, it would agree in gender with the pronoun. It also forms a more appropriate comparison since cisterns do not hold fresh water.
[6:7] 22 tn Heb “Violence and destruction are heard in it.”
[6:7] 23 tn Heb “Sickness and wound are continually before my face.”
[6:8] 25 tn This word is not in the text but is supplied in the translation. Jeremiah uses a figure of speech (enallage) where the speaker turns from talking about someone to address him/her directly.
[6:8] 26 tn Heb “lest my soul [= I] becomes disgusted with you.”
[6:9] 29 tn Heb “Yahweh of armies.”
[6:9] 30 tn The words “to me” are not in the text but are supplied in the translation for clarity.
[6:9] 31 tn Heb “They will thoroughly glean those who are left in Israel like a vine.” That is, they will be carried off by judgment. It is not necessary to read the verb forms here as two imperatives or an infinitive absolute followed by an imperative as some English versions and commentaries do. This is an example of a third plural verb used impersonally and translated as a passive (cf. GKC 460 §144.g).
[6:9] 32 tn Heb “Pass your hand back over the branches like a grape harvester.” The translation is intended to clarify the metaphor that Jeremiah should try to rescue some from the coming destruction.
[6:10] 33 tn These words are not in the text but are supplied in the translation for clarity.
[6:10] 34 tn Or “To whom shall I speak? To whom shall I give warning? Who will listen?” Heb “Unto whom shall I speak and give warning that they may listen?”
[6:10] 35 tn Heb “are uncircumcised.”
[6:10] 37 tn Heb “They do not take pleasure in it.”
[6:11] 37 tn Heb “I am full of the wrath of the
[6:11] 38 tn These words are not in the text but are implicit from the words that follow. They are supplied in the translation for clarity.
[6:11] 39 tn Heb “Pour it out.”
[6:11] 40 tn Heb “are to be captured.”
[6:12] 41 tn Heb “I will reach out my hand.” This figure involves both comparing God to a person (anthropomorphism) and substitution (metonymy) where hand is put for the actions or exertions of the hand. A common use of “hand” is for the exertion of power or strength (cf. BDB 290 s.v. יָד 2 and 289-90 s.v. יָד 1.e(2); cf. Deut 34:12; Ps 78:42; Jer 16:21).