Jeremiah 9:24
- Israel Has Rejected the Word of the Lord (Jeremiah 8:4--9:26)
Harvest is past, the summer is ended, The
I am sick at heart
Like a vine with no grapes, like a fig-tree with no figs
Jeremiah 9:1
- Israel Has Rejected the Word of the Lord (Jeremiah 8:4--9:26)
Harvest is past, the summer is ended, The
I am sick at heart
Like a vine with no grapes, like a fig-tree with no figs
Jeremiah 3:6
- Unfaithful Israel (Jeremiah 2:1--4:4)
In celebration of marriage
As the thief is ashamed when he is found
Wells without water
Psalms 99:4
- Psalms 99: The Lord Our God Is Holy (Psalms 99)
Psalm 99
Adore his footstool because it is holy
Hosea 2:19
- Israel's Unfaithfullness, God's Mercy (Hosea 2:2-23)
Let my people live in peace
Zechariah 8:8
- The Lord Will Do Good to Jerusalem (Zechariah 8)
Return to Zion, dwelling in Jerusalem
Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you
There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem
May you receive the same blessings that came to Judah and Israel