Jeremiah 9:6
- Israel Has Rejected the Word of the Lord (Jeremiah 8:4--9:26)
Harvest is past, the summer is ended, The
I am sick at heart
Like a vine with no grapes, like a fig-tree with no figs
Proverbs 4:13
- The Way of Wisdom (Proverbs 4)
Path of the wicked, The
Path of the just grows brighter, The
Do not set foot on the path of the wicked
Let your eyes look straight ahead
(4 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Proverbs 4
Isaiah 30:10
There is no Arts related to this verses.Isaiah 44:20
- Going Home (2 Chronicles 36:22; Ezra 1--2; Isaiah 40--48)
- The Lord, Not Idols (Isaiah 44:6-23)
Cyrus proclaims the end of the Babylonian captivity and orders a temple to be built in Jerusalem
Cyrus releases the Jews
Cyrus restoring the vessels of the temple
Giving all things back
(24 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
2 Chronicles 36 ;
Ezra 1 ;
Ezra 2 ;
Isaiah 40 ;
Isaiah 41 ;
Isaiah 42 ;
Isaiah 43 ;
Isaiah 44 ;
Isaiah 45 ;
Isaiah 46 ;
Isaiah 47 ;
Isaiah 48
Bowing down to a block of wood
Idol he holds in his hand is not a god at all, The
Isaiah 44:1
- Going Home (2 Chronicles 36:22; Ezra 1--2; Isaiah 40--48)
Cyrus proclaims the end of the Babylonian captivity and orders a temple to be built in Jerusalem
Cyrus releases the Jews
Cyrus restoring the vessels of the temple
Giving all things back
Isaiah 5:21
- Woes and Judgments (Isaiah 5:8-30)
Heroes of the wine bottle
In the ruins of the cities
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Isaiah 5
Isaiah 5:2
- The Song of the Vineyard (Isaiah 5:1-7)
Vinea electa
Vineyard of desolation, The
... but every grape was sour
... cleared it of stones ...
(10 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Isaiah 5
Isaiah 2:9-12
- The Lord Alone Will Be Exalted (Isaiah 2:6-22)
To escape from the Lord's anger
Revelation 2:25
- To the Church in Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29)
Morning star, The
St. John, seven candles and seven churches
To the Church in Thyatira
(9 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Revelation 2