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Job 13:27

Thou puttest
<07760> (8799)
my feet
also in the stocks
and lookest narrowly
<08104> (8799)
unto all my paths
thou settest a print
<02707> (8691)
upon the heels
of my feet
{lookest...: Heb. observest} {heels: Heb. roots}

Job 19:6

<03045> (8798)
that God
hath overthrown
<05791> (8765)
me, and hath compassed
<05362> (8689)
me with his net

Job 33:18-19

He keepeth back
<02820> (8799)
his soul
from the pit
and his life
from perishing
<05674> (8800)
by the sword
{from perishing: Heb. from passing}
He is chastened
<03198> (8717)
also with pain
upon his bed
and the multitude
<07230> (8675) <07379>
of his bones
with strong

Psalms 18:5

The sorrows
of hell
compassed me about
<05437> (8804)_:
the snares
of death
<06923> (8765)
me. {sorrows: or, cords}

Psalms 107:10

Such as sit
<03427> (8802)
in darkness
and in the shadow of death
[being] bound
in affliction
and iron

Psalms 116:3

The sorrows
of death
<0661> (8804)
me, and the pains
of hell
gat hold
<04672> (8804)
upon me: I found
<04672> (8799)
and sorrow
{gat...: Heb. found me}

Lamentations 3:9

He hath inclosed
<01443> (8804)
my ways
with hewn stone
he hath made my paths
<05753> (8765)_.

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