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Job 13:28

And he, as a rotten thing
<01086> (8799)_,
as a garment
that is moth
<0398> (8804)_.

Job 14:2

He cometh forth
<03318> (8804)
like a flower
and is cut down
<05243> (8799)_:
he fleeth
<01272> (8799)
also as a shadow
and continueth
<05975> (8799)

Psalms 39:11

When thou with rebukes
dost correct
<03256> (8765)
for iniquity
thou makest his beauty
<02530> (8803)
to consume away
<04529> (8686)
like a moth
surely every man
[is] vanity
{his...: Heb. that which is to be desired in him to melt away}

Psalms 90:5-7

Thou carriest them away as with a flood
<02229> (8804)_;
they are [as] a sleep
in the morning
[they are] like grass
[which] groweth up
<02498> (8799)_.
{groweth...: or, is changed}
In the morning
it flourisheth
<06692> (8686)_,
and groweth up
<02498> (8804)_;
in the evening
it is cut down
<04135> (8787)_,
and withereth
<03001> (8804)_.
For we are consumed
<03615> (8804)
by thine anger
and by thy wrath
are we troubled
<0926> (8738)_.

Psalms 103:15-16

[As for] man
his days
[are] as grass
as a flower
of the field
so he flourisheth
<06692> (8686)_.
For the wind
passeth over
<05674> (8804)
it, and it is gone; and the place
thereof shall know
<05234> (8686)
it no more. {it is...: Heb. it is not}

Psalms 146:4

His breath
goeth forth
<03318> (8799)_,
he returneth
<07725> (8799)
to his earth
in that very day
his thoughts
<06> (8804)_.

Psalms 146:1

<01984> (8761)
ye the LORD
<01984> (8761)
the LORD
O my soul
{Praise ye...: Heb. Hallelujah}

Psalms 1:1

[is] the man
that walketh
<01980> (8804)
not in the counsel
of the ungodly
nor standeth
<05975> (8804)
in the way
of sinners
nor sitteth
<03427> (8804)
in the seat
of the scornful
<03887> (8801)_.
{ungodly: or, wicked}

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