Job 19:5
Touched by the Hand of God (Job 19)
Job rebuked by his friends
Job rebuked by his friends *
Job rebuked by his friends
Job rebuked by his friends

Psalms 35:26
Psalms 35: Arise and Come to My Aid! (Psalms 35)
Psalm 35
Take hold of arms and shield, and rise up to help me
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 35
Psalms 38:16
Psalms 38: Prayer in Illness and Need (Psalms 38)
Psalm 38
Cavalry stands ready to attack, The
My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore
Humiliation of man, The *

(5 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 38
Psalms 55:12
Psalms 55: Cast Your Cares on the Lord (Psalms 55)
Psalm 55
He shall hear my voice
We walked unto the house of God in company