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Nehemiah 5:2-13
[Neh 5:9] Watched By The World’s Malignant Eye
Watched by the world’s malignant eye, Who load us with reproach and shame. As servants of the Lord most High, As zealous for His glorious Name, We ought in all His paths to move, With holy fear and humble love. That wisdom, Lord, on us bestow, From every evil to depart; To stop the mouth of every foe, While, upright both in life and heart, The proofs of godly fear we give, And show them how the Christians live. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |
Psalms 82:2-4
[Psa 82:2] There Where The Judges Gather
There where the judges gather A Greater takes His seat; “How long,” He asks the judges, “Will ye pronounce deceit? How long respect the persons Of them of ill repute? How long neglect the orphaned, The poor and destitute? “Deal justly with the needy, Protect the fatherless, Deliver the afflicted From those who would distress. But you are wholly blinded, You do not understand; Therefore foundations totter, Injustice rocks the land.” He speaks, “I named you rulers, Sons of the Most High God, But you shall die as mortals, And perish by My rod.” Arise, Thou God of judgment, Thy sovereignty make known; For Thine shall be the nations, The peoples Thou shalt own. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |
[Psa 82:2] Where’er His Creatures Gather
Where’er His creatures gather, The unseen God is near; Let rulers fear their Ruler, Their Judge let judges fear. How long, ye earthly judges, Will ye pervert the right? How long shall wicked persons Have favor in your sight? Do justice for the helpless, The orphan’s cause maintain. Defend the poor and needy, Oppressed and wronged for gain. When rulers walk in darkness, When judges truth forsake, The cornerstones are crumbled, The firm foundations shake. The most high God has called you And set you up on high, But ye to Him must answer, For ye like men must die. Arise, O God eternal, Thou Judge of all the earth, Through all Thy ransomed nations Send now Thy justice forth. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |