Job 22:6-9
pledges <02254> [For thou.]
stripped <06584> [stripped, etc. Heb. stripped the clothes of the naked.]
water <04325> [not given.]
powerful <02220> [But as.]
powerful man <0376 02220> [mighty man. Heb. man of arm. honourable. Heb. eminent, or, accepted for countenance.]
widows <0490> [widows.]
24:3,21 29:12,13 31:16-18,21 Ex 22:21-24 De 27:19 Ps 94:6
Isa 1:17,23 10:2 Eze 22:7 Mal 3:5 Lu 18:3-5 [All]
arms <02220> [arms.]