Job 34:5-7
innocent <06663> [I.]
God <0410> [God.]
lie <03576> [I.]
wound <02671> [wound. Heb. arrow.]
Job 34:18-19
shows <05375> [accepteth.]
princes <08269> [princes.]
note <05234> [regardeth.]
work <04639> [they.]
Job 36:7-9
kings <04428> [with.]
<03427> [he doth.]
bound <0631> [if.]
cords <02256> [cords.]
reveals <05046> [he.]
what they have done .... transgressions <06467 06588> [their.]
Job 36:17-18
preoccupied <04390> [fulfilled.]
take hold <08551> [take hold on thee. should uphold thee.]
Be careful <02534> [Because.]
riches <05607> [his.]
<07230> [then.]
turn ... aside <05186> [deliver thee. Heb. turn thee aside.]
Job 40:2
contends <07378> [Shall.]
correct <03250> [instruct.]
accuses <03198> [he that reproveth.]
Job 40:8
annul ........ guilty <06565 07561> [Wilt.]
annul <06565> [disannul.]
guilty <07561> [wilt thou condemn.]
Lamentations 3:2-18
<03212> [brought.]
mortal <01320> [My flesh.]
broken <07665> [he hath.]
He ... besieged <01129> [builded.]
bitter <07219> [gall.]
deepest darkness <04285> [in dark.]
walled <01443> [hedged.]
chains <05178> [made.]
path <05410> [made.]
bear <01677> [unto.]
hidden <04565> [in secret.]
torn ... to pieces <06582> [pulled.]
made <07760> [he hath made.]
drew <01869> [bent.]
arrows <01121> [arrows. Heb. sons.]
fill <07646> [filled.]
bitter herbs <04844> [bitterness. Heb. bitternesses.]
ground <01638> [broken.]
gravel <02687> [gravel.]
ground ....... trampled <01638 03728> [he hath.]
trampled ..... dust <0665 03728> [covered me with ashes. or, rolled me in the ashes.]
deprived <02186> [thou.]
forgotten <05382> [I forgat.]
happiness is <02896> [prosperity. Heb. good.]