Job 7:1
[Is there] not an appointed time
to man
upon earth
[are not] his days
also like the days
of an hireling
{an appointed...: or, a warfare}<07916>_?
Job 12:1-25
I have understanding
to you: yea, who knoweth not such things
as these? {understanding: Heb. an heart} {I am...: Heb. I fall not lower than you} {who...: Heb. with whom are not such as these?}<03644>
I am [as] one mocked
of his neighbour
upon God
him: the just
[man is] laughed to scorn
with [his] feet
[is as] a lamp
in the thought
of him that is at ease
The tabernacles
are secure
into whose hand
In whose hand
[is] the soul
of every living thing
and the breath
{soul: or, life} {all...: Heb. all flesh of man}<07307>
Doth not the ear
and the mouth
his meat
{mouth: Heb. palate}<0400>_?
With the ancient
[is] wisdom
and in length
of days
With him [is] wisdom
and strength
he hath counsel
and understanding
{With...: that is, With God}<08394>_.
a man
{up: Heb. upon}<0376>_,
away spoiled
the speech
the understanding
of the aged
{speech...: Heb. lip of the faithful}<02205>_.
upon princes
the strength
of the mighty
{weakeneth...: or, looseth the girdle of the strong}<0650>_.