NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Job 7:21


pardon ..... take <05375> [why dost.]

away <05674> [take away.]

lie <07901> [sleep.]

diligently <07836> [in the morning.]

[but I shall not be.]

Exodus 34:7


keeping <05341> [Keeping.]

forgiving <05375> [forgiving.]

means ..... unpunished <05352> [that will by no means clear the guilty.]

The Hebrew {nakkeh lo yenakkeh,} has been rendered "Acquitting him who is not innocent." Nothing can more strongly express the goodness of God to frail mortals than this declaration, "which has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by all our translators."

responding <06485> [visiting.]

Numbers 14:18


slow <0750> [long-suffering.]

visiting <06485> [visiting.]

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