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Kidung Jemaat
John 10:1
Lihatlah Kayu Salib [KJ.180]
1. Lihatlah kayu salib, tempat Yesus yang tergantung menebus dunia.
Mrk 15:22-26
2. Lihatlah kayu salib, tempat Yesus melaksanakan perintah Bapa.
3. Lihatlah kayu salib, tempat Sumber kes'lamatan bagi bangsa-bangsa.
4. Lihatlah kayu salib, tempat Yesus yang tergantung mengampuni dosa.
Yoh 1:29
5. Lihatlah kayu salib, tempat Yesus menyerahkan hidup bagi kita.
Yoh 10:1 Yoh 15:13
6. Lihatlah kayu salib, tanda cinta Putra Allah bagi manusia.
7. Lihatlah kayu salib, tanda cinta Allah Bapa bagi ciptaanNya.
Yoh 3:16
8. Lihatlah kayu salib yang menjadi tanda cinta dalam hidup kita.
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John 10:10
[Joh 10:10] Father, Whose Will Is Life And Good
Father, whose will is life and good For all of mortal breath, Bind strong the bond of brotherhood Of those who fight with death. Empower the hands and hearts and wills Of friends in lands afar, Who battle with the body’s ills And wage Thy holy war. Where’er they heal the maimed and blind, Let love of Christ attend: Proclaim the good Physician’s mind, And prove the Savior friend. For still His love works wondrous charms, And, as in days of old, He takes the wounded to His arms, And bears them to the fold. O Father, look from Heav’n and bless Where’er Thy servants be, Their works of pure unselfishness, Made consecrate to Thee. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |
[Joh 10:10] More Abundantly (gabriel)
There’s a message that comes to the soul in its need, ’Tis a wonderful message, and all the world may read. ’Twas spoken for him whosoe’er will give it heed— “I am come that they might have life, and more abundantly.” Refrain More abundantly, more abundantly, That they might have life more abundantly; They might have life, and more abundantly. ’Tis a message that tells of an infinite love, That could bring One to earth from His throne of light above, To save us from sin, and His wondrous grace to prove— “I am come that they might have life, and more abundantly.” Refrain ’Tis a message of gladness the world cannot give, And its fullness of meaning we freely may receive: ’Twas given for him who on Jesus will believe— “I am come that they might have life, and more abundantly.” Refrain |
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source: Cyberhymnal |
[Joh 10:10] More Abundantly (harris)
Are you trusting Jesus, All along the way? Does He grow more precious To your heart each day? Are you His disciple? Test His Word and see, He will give the Spirit more abundantly. Refrain More abundantly, More abundantly, “That they might have life And more abundantly”; More abundantly, More abundantly, “That they might have life And more abundantly.” For His matchless favor, Magnify the Name Of our gracious Savior Who from glory came; Let the saints adore Him For this wondrous Word, Sealing our redemption thro’ the crimson flood. Refrain Come to Him believing, Hearken to His call; All from Him receiving, Yield to Him your all; Jesus will accept you When to Him you flee; He will grant His blessing more abundantly. Refrain |
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source: Cyberhymnal |