NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

John 11:2

11:2 hnmariam haleiqasa kurionmurw kaiekmaxasa podavautou taivyrixin authvhv oadelfov lazarovhsyenei <770> (5707)

John 11:28

11:28 kaitouto eipousaefwnhsen thnadelfhn authvlayra eipousadidaskalov parestinfwnei

John 11:32

11:32 houn mariamwv hlyenhn idousaepesen provtouv podavlegousa kurieei hvouk anmou apeyanenadelfov

Matthew 26:6-13

26:6 toude ihsougenomenou bhyaniaen oikiasimwnov touleprou

26:7 proshlyengunh ecousamurou barutimoukai kateceenthv kefalhvautou anakeimenou <345> (5740)

26:8 idontevoi mayhtaihganakthsan tih apwleiaauth

26:9 edunatotouto prayhnaikai doyhnai

26:10 gnouvo ihsouveipen tikopouv parecetegunaiki ergongar kalonhrgasato eme

26:11 pantotegar touvptwcouv eceteeautwn emede oupantote ecete <2192> (5719)

26:12 balousaauth tomuron toutoepi touswmatov mouprov toentafiasai epoihsen <4160> (5656)

26:13 amhnlegw opouean khrucyheuaggelion toutoen olwtw kosmwlalhyhsetai oepoihsen eivmnhmosunon authv

Mark 14:3-9

14:3 kaiontov enbhyania enth oikiasimwnov touleprou katakeimenouhlyen ecousamurou nardoupistikhv polutelouvsuntriqasa alabastronkateceen thvkefalhv

14:4 hsantinev aganaktounteveautouv eivti hapwleia authtou murougegonen <1096> (5754)

14:5 hdunatotouto tomuron prayhnaidhnariwn triakosiwnkai doyhnaiptwcoiv kaienebrimwnto

14:6 ode ihsouveipen tiauth kopouvparecete ergonhrgasato emoi

14:7 pantotegar touvptwcouv eceteeautwn kaiotan yelhte[pantote] eupoihsai deou pantoteecete <2192> (5719)

14:8 oescen swmamou eivton entafiasmon

14:9 amhnde legwopou eankhrucyh euaggelioneiv olonton kosmonkai oepoihsen lalhyhsetaimnhmosunon authv

Luke 10:38-39

10:38 ende twporeuesyai autoveishlyen kwmhntina gunhde tivonomati maryaupedexato eivthn oikian

10:39 kaithde hnkaloumenh [h] kaiparakayesyeisa touvpodav toukuriou hkouenlogon autou

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