John 18:24-27
Annas <452> [Annas.]
Annas was dismissed from being high priest, A.D. 23, after filling that office for fifteen years; but, being a person of distinguished character, and having had no fewer than five sons who had successively enjoyed the dignity of the high-priesthood, and the present high priest Caiaphas being his son-in-law, he must have possessed much authority in the nation. It was at the palace of Caiaphas where the chief priests, elders, and scribes were assembled the whole of the night to see the issue of their stratagem.
tied up <1210> [bound.]
<2258> [stood.]
They said <2036> [They.]
it <1565> [He.]
<5607> [being.]
Did .... see <1492> [Did.]
and <2532> [and.]