John 5:23
all people will honor ...... they honor ....... does ... honor .... does ... honor <3956 5091> [all men.]
will honor ...... they honor ....... does ... honor .... does ... honor <5091> [He that.]
John 8:49
I am not possessed by <1473 2192 3756> [I have not.]
but <235> [but.]
John 16:2
They will put <4160> [shall.]
a time <5610> [the time.]
Joshua 7:19
son <01121> [My son.]
<07760> [give.]
give <05414> [make.]
Tell ..... did <05046 06213> [tell me.]
Joshua 7:1
disobeyed <04603> [committed.]
Achan <05912> [for Achan.]
[Achar, Zimri. took.]
furious <0639> [the anger.]
Joshua 6:5-9
<04900> [make a long.]
army ............... warriors <05971> [the people.]
wall <02346> [and the wall.]
The words {wenaphelah chomath hair tachteyha,} are literally, "and the wall of the city shall fall down under itself;" which appears simply to mean, that the wall shall fall down from its very foundation; which was probably the case in every part, though large breaches in different places might have been amply sufficient first to admit the armed men, after whom the host might enter to destroy the city. There is no ground for the supposition that the walls sunk into the earth.
<08478> [flat. Heb. under it.]
Pick up ... ark ......... carry ......... ark <0727 05375> [Take up the ark.]
armed <02502> [that is armed.]
before ... Lord ................ Lord <06440 03068> [before the Lord.]
guard <0622> [and the rereward. Heb. gathering. host.]
Psalms 50:14-15
Present <02076> [Offer.]
Repay <07999> [pay.]
Pray <07121> [call.]
deliver <02502> [deliver.]
honor <03513> [glorify.]
Isaiah 66:5
respect <02730> [ye that.]
countrymen .......................... joy <0251 08057> [Your.]
Lord ............................ Lord <03068> [Let.]
witness <07200> [but.]
Romans 10:2-4
I can testify <3140 846> [I bear them.]
By this fine apology for the Jews, the Apostle prepares them for the harsher truths which he was about to deliver.
that they are <3754 2192> [that they.]
but ..... not <235 3756> [but not.]
righteousness ..... God ......... righteousness ....... God's <1343 2316> [God's righteousness.]
"God's method of justification," says Abp. Newcome: God's method of saving sinners.
to establish <2476> [to establish.]
they did ... submit <5293> [submitted.]
Christ <5547> [Christ.]
end <5056> [the end.]
[Telos <\\See definition 5056\\>,] the object, scope, or final cause; the end proposed and intended. In this sense Eisner observes that [telos <\\See definition 5056\\>] is used by Arrian.