Joshua 19:33-43
Zaanannim <06815> [Zaanannim.]
turned <07725> [turneth.]
Aznoth Tabor <0243> [Aznoth-tabor.]
Apparently the same as Azanoth, which Eusebius places in the plain not far from Dioc‘sarea or Sephoris.
<03063> [Judah.]
As it is certain that the tribe of Naphtali did not border upon that of Judah, there being several tribes between, we should probably omit Judah, with the Septuagint; though it may have been a town so called.
Hammath <02575> [Hammath.]
[Hamath. Chinnereth.]
Hazor <02674> [Hazor.]
Kedesh <06943> [Kedesh.]
Beth Anath <01043> [Beth-anath.]
Eusebius mentions a town of the name of [Batanaian,] fifteen miles from C‘sarea. (Dioc‘sarea or Sephoris probably.)
Beth Shemesh <01053> [Beth-shemesh.]
Zorah <06881> [Zorah.]
Situated on the frontiers of Dan and Judah, tens miles north from Eleutheropolis, towards Nicoplis, according to Eusebius, not far from Caphar Sorek.
Ir Shemesh <05905> [Irshemesh.]
Supposed by some to be the same as Beth-shemesh in the tribe of Judah; but this latter city is evidently distinguished from it by being assigned by the tribe of Judah to the Levites. (ch. 21:16.) Ir-shemesh rendered [polis Sammaus] by the LXX., seems to be the same as Emmaus or Nicopolis, 22 miles south-east from Lydda, according to the Old Jerusalem Itinerary.
Shaalabbin <08169> [Shaalabbin.]
Eusebius calls it [Salaba,] and places it in Samaria: and Jerome calls it Salebi, (Eze 48,) and joins it to Ajalon and Emmaus.
[Shaalbim. Ajalon.]
This appears to be the Ajalon which Jerome places two miles from Nicopolis or Emmaus, in the road to Jerusalem.
Timnah <08553> [Thimnathah.]
[Timnath. Ekron.]
Ekron is placed by Eusebius between Ashdod and Jamnia, eastward; and probably the ruined village of Tookrair, mentioned by Dr. Richarson, situated on the top of a hill, and which he says seems to have been a place of considerable consequence, occupies its site.