Joshua 2:22
Rahab and the Spies (Joshua 2)
Escape from Rahab's house
Rahab and the spies of Jericho
Her house was upon the town-wall
Spies escape, The

Joshua 2:1
Rahab and the Spies (Joshua 2)
Escape from Rahab's house
Rahab and the spies of Jericho
Her house was upon the town-wall
Spies escape, The

Joshua 23:14
Joshua's Farewell to the Leaders (Joshua 23)
Exhortation of Joshua
I am old and well advanced in years
Joshua 23:1
Joshua's Farewell to the Leaders (Joshua 23)
Exhortation of Joshua
I am old and well advanced in years
Psalms 11:1
Psalms 11: In the Lord I Take My Refuge (Psalms 11)
Psalm 11
I trust in the Lord … for behold the wicked have bent their bow …
Those who do them will live in his presence