Kidung Jemaat
Joshua 24:15
Berbahagia Tiap Rumah Tangga [KJ.318]
1. Berbahagia tiap rumah tangga, di mana Kaulah Tamu yang tetap:
dan merasakan tiap sukacita tanpa Tuhannya tiadalah lengkap;
di mana hati girang menyambutMu dan memandangMu dengan
berseri; tiap anggota menanti sabdaMu dan taat akan Firman yang Kaub'ri.
Yos 24:15
2. Berbahagialah rumah yang sepakat hidup sehati dalam kasihMu,
serta tekun mencari hingga dapat damai kekal di dalam sinarMu;
di mana suka-duka 'kan dibagi; ikatan kasih semakin teguh; diluar
Tuhan tidak ada lagi yang dapat memberi berkat penuh.1 Kor 13
Flp 2:1-5
Joshua 24:15
[Jos 24:15] Choose Ye Today
A blessing for you—will you take it?
Choose ye today;
A word from the heart—will you speak it?
Choose ye today:
Will you believe, or your Savior neglect?
Will you receive, or His mercy reject?
Pause, ere you answer, oh, pause and reflect—
Choose ye today.A death to be feared—will you fear it?
Choose ye today;
A voice that invites—will you hear it?
Choose ye today.
Straight is the portal and narrow the way;
Enter, poor soul, and be saved while you may;
Think what may hang on a moment’s delay—
Choose ye today.The cross of your Lord—will you bear it?
Choose ye today:
There’s life in that cross—will you share it?
Choose ye today:
Soon will your time of probation be o’er,
Then will the Spirit entreat you no more,
Jesus no longer will stand at the door—
Choose ye today.The bondage of sin—will you break it?
Choose ye today:
The water of life—will you take it?
Choose ye today.
Come to the arms that are open for you,
Hide in the wounds that by faith you may view;
Death ere the morrow your steps may pursue—
Choose ye today.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jos 24:15] Happy The Home When God Is There
Happy the home when God is there,
And love fills every breast;
When one their wish, and one their prayer,
And one their heav’nly rest.Happy the home where Jesus’ Name
Is sweet to every ear;
Where children early speak His fame,
And parents hold Him dear.Happy the home where prayer is heard,
And praise each day does rise;
Where parents love the sacred Word
And all its wisdom prize.Lord, let us in our homes agree
This blessèd peace to gain;
Unite our hearts in love to Thee,
And love to all will reign.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jos 24:15] Once To Every Man And Nation
Once to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide,
In the strife of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side;
Some great cause, some great decision, offering each the bloom or blight,
And the choice goes by forever, ’twixt that darkness and that light.Then to side with truth is noble, when we share her wretched crust,
Ere her cause bring fame and profit, and ’tis prosperous to be just;
Then it is the brave man chooses while the coward stands aside,
Till the multitude make virtue of the faith they had denied.By the light of burning martyrs, Christ, Thy bleeding feet we track,
Toiling up new Calv’ries ever with the cross that turns not back;
New occasions teach new duties, time makes ancient good uncouth,
They must upward still and onward, who would keep abreast of truth.Though the cause of evil prosper, yet the truth alone is strong;
Though her portion be the scaffold, and upon the throne be wrong;
Yet that scaffold sways the future, and behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 119:111
[Psa 119:111] Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice
Lord, I have made Thy Word my choice,
My lasting heritage;
There shall my noblest powers rejoice,
My warmest thoughts engage.I’ll read the histories of Thy love,
And keep Thy laws in sight,
While through the promises I rove,
With ever fresh delight.’Tis a broad land of wealth unknown,
Where springs of life arise,
Seeds of immortal bliss are sown,
And hidden glory lies.The best relief that mourners have,
It makes our sorrows blest;
Our fairest hope beyond the grave,
And our eternal rest.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 10:42
[Luk 10:42] Beset With Snares On Every Hand
Beset with snares on every hand,
In life’s uncertain path I stand;
Savior divine, diffuse Thy light,
To guide my doubtful footsteps right.Engage this roving, treacherous heart
To fix on Mary’s better part,
To scorn the trifles of a day,
For joys that none can take away.Then let the wildest storms arise,
Let tempests mingle earth and skies;
No fatal shipwreck shall I fear,
But all my treasures with me bear.If Thou, my Jesus, still be nigh,
Cheerful I live, and joyful die;
Secure, when mortal comforts flee,
To find ten thousand worlds in Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 10:42] O Love Divine, How Sweet Thou Art
O love divine, how sweet thou art!
When shall I find my willing heart
All taken up by thee?
I thirst, I faint, I die to prove
The greatness of redeeming love,
The love of Christ to me.Stronger His love than death or hell;
Its reaches are unsearchable;
The first born sons of light
Desire in vain its depths to see;
They cannot reach the mystery
The length, and breadth, and height.God only knows the love of God;
O that it now were shed abroad
In this poor stony heart!
For love I sigh, for love I pine;
This only portion, Lord, be mine,
Be mine this better part.O that I could forever sit
With Mary at the Master’s feet;
Be this my happy choice;
My only care, delight, and bliss,
My joy, my heaven on earth, be this
To hear the Bridegroom’s voice.O that, with humbled Peter, I
Could weep, believe, and thrice reply,
My faithfulness to prove.
Thou know’st, (for all to Thee is known,
Thou know’st, O Lord, and Thou alone,
Thou know’st that Thee I love.O that I could, with favored John,
Recline my weary head upon
The dear Redeemer’s breast!
From care, and sin, and sorrow free,
Give me, O Lord, to find in Thee
My everlasting rest.Thy only love do I require,
Nothing on earth beneath desire,
Nothing in heaven above;
Let earth, and heaven, and all things go,
Give me Thy only love to know,
Give me only Thy love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 10:42] One Thing’s Needful
One thing’s needful; Lord this treasure
Teach me highly to regard;
All else, though it first give pleasure,
Is a yoke that presses hard.
Beneath it the heart is still fretting and striving,
No true, lasting happiness ever deriving.
The gain of this one thing all loss can requite
And teach me in all things to find true delight.Wilt thou find this one thing needful,
Turn from all created things
Unto Jesus and be heedful
Of the blessèd joy He brings.
For where God and Man both in one are united,
With God’s perfect fulness the heart is delighted;
There, there is the worthiest lot and the best,
My One and my All and my Joy and my Rest.How were Mary’s thoughts devoted,
Her eternal joy to find
As intent each word she noted,
At her Savior’s feet reclined!
How kindled her heart, how devout was its feeling,
While hearing the lessons that Christ was revealing!
For Jesus all earthly concerns she forgot,
And all was repaid in that one happy lot.Thus my longings, heav’nward tending,
Jesus, rest alone on Thee.
Help me, thus on Thee depending;
Savior, come and dwell in me.
Although all the world should forsake and forget Thee,
In love I will follow Thee, ne’er will I quit Thee.
Lord Jesus, both spirit and life is Thy Word;
And is there a joy which Thou dost not afford?Wisdom’s highest, noblest treasure,
Jesus, lies concealed in Thee;
Grant that this may still the measure
Of my will and actions be,
Humility there and simplicity reigning,
In paths of true wisdom my steps ever training.
Oh, if I of Christ have this knowledge divine,
The fulness of heavenly wisdom is mine.Naught have I, O Christ, to offer
Naught but Thee, my highest Good.
Naught have I, O Lord, to proffer
But Thy crimson-colored blood.
Thy death on the cross hath Death wholly defeated
And thereby my righteousness fully completed;
Salvation’s white raiments I there did obtain,
And in them in glory with Thee I shall reign.Therefore Thou alone, my Savior,
Shalt be All in all to me;
Search my heart and my behavior,
Root out all hypocrisy.
Restrain me from wandering on pathways unholy
And through all life’s pilgrimage keep my heart lowly.
This one thing is needful, all others are vain;
I count all but loss that I Christ may obtain.Play source: Cyberhymnal